Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated! Schools been crazy. Yeah, also I'm sorry about the last chapter that one hurt 😭 but it has to happen. Also look at all the new content we're getting! I'm so excited for Far From Home ❤️😂
Anyway, enjoy! :)You fell to the floor, gripping your leg. You were in excruciating pain, and your vision was getting blurry.
"Y/N!" Harrison yelled. He ran over to you. "Y/N wake up!"
"Harrison, I- I can't... feel my leg."
"It's okay, you'll be okay. Oh God please not you too."
The paramedics put you on a stretcher and loaded you in the back. The police had finally arrived and taken Emma into custody.
You were trying to comprehend what was happening. But the whole time you couldn't stop thinking about Tom.
Is he okay? Oh God please let him be okay.
The next thing you knew, everything went black.
You opened your eyes and saw lights. A lot of them. You looked around and saw you and Tom had arrived at the hospital. You felt someone holding your hand.You looked down and saw Harrison.
"H-Haz?" You tried to say.
"Y/N! Oh thank God you're alive."
"How's Tom?"
"He's not... looking so good."
"No... that can't be... he has to be okay."
"He's Tom, I'm sure he will be."
You groaned in pain. Your leg was starting to hurt again.
"We need to hurry and get both of them to the Operating Room." One of the nurses said.
"Okay sir, we have to take them up. You can see them again later."
Harrison reluctantly stood back, but he knew he had to. They pushed you in the elevator and you looked over to see Tom was right beside you. He looked pale, there was blood all over him. You saw a little curl and that's when you started crying.
You couldn't fathom why it was him. Why did he have to get shot? He took the bullet for you, and you would forever be grateful for that.
The nurses pushed you two into a room.
"What do we have here?"
"Two shot victims. One got shot in the shoulder and another got shot in the leg."
"Okay. Hold on... is this Tom Holland? And Y/N Y/L/N?"
"It is."
"Believe it or not I've actually worked on them before."
"They were in a car accident a while ago and I operated on them. And now he's shot, this poor boy. My daughters still love him."
So do I.
The nurse walked over to your bed. She injected your IVs with medicine. Your eyes slowly closed.
You woke up in a different room than before. You looked around and saw they had changed things a bit. Newer TVs, new gowns, and blankets.
You felt a sadden wash over you. This was exactly how the car accident was. You were waiting in the room waiting to hear how Tom is. Except the last time, he lost his memory.

Just Another Fan...
FanfictionY/N goes to an event, which happens to be to meet Tom Holland. You both notice each other. Will something happen? After all you are just another fan...