Hey guys! I'm so so sorry that it took literally a week to update, but since it's December that means finals are coming up so we have been getting more homework, we've been reviewing, and taking extra tests so I've been so busy 😞 But I have some time to update now, and I realized that this is the 100th part in this book, and I can't believe it. It's huge that we've hit 100 parts! And a LOT has happened between these 100 parts. So, this part is a little longer than others so sit back, and enjoy! :) Also I'll be adding songs to each chapter to set the mood of the story. There's some tension in this part of course, but it's for what the characters where feeling before hand. If there's a specific scene I want you guys to play the song I'll just let you know! Also I had to re-upload this part because it didn't post the ending. It didn't save, and Every part in this book has an interesting ending so it was weird when I didn't see it 😂 but it's there now!
"He what?" Tom asked. He clenched his jaw and tightened his hands into fists.
"Tom listen-"
"Harrison, you're still in love with my girlfriend even though we've been over that fact that you can't?"
"You don't own her, mate."
"Um I kind of do, she's my girlfriend."
"Yeah, and If I never went up to her that day, she wouldn't be your girlfriend now!"
"You shouldn't have said that man," he took a step closer.
"Yeah? And maybe you shouldn't have taken her from me." Harrison also took a step closer.
No no no this shouldn't be happening.
"No, guys stop it's okay," You said.
But that didn't work, because Tom and Haz stepped even closer to each other.
"Guys, stop!"
Another step closer and Tom raised his fist to hit Haz but you stopped it.
"No!" They both stood there in disbelief. Tom was shocked that you stopped him from hitting Harrison and Harrison was shocked about it too.
"Y/N, why'd you stop me?"
You looked at Tom and saw the rage in his eyes. This wasn't the sweet, goofy Tom, this was the anger talking.
"Because Tom he's your best friend, You're not gonna hurt him."
"Yeah but he's in love with you."
"I know but-"
"Mate maybe she doesn't mind me being in love with her."
Hold up, I did not say that.
You looked at Tom and you saw the anger rising.
"Haz, stop what are you doing?"
"If he cant throw the punch, then I will."
He went to punch Tom but you stopped him too. There you three were- Tom on your right and Haz on your left, while you're holding both their fists.
There was a moment of silence as a crowd was appearing. Things seemed to be settled until a girl pushed Harrison forward causing you to lose your grip on their hands and you fell into a booth. Meanwhile someone else pushed Tom so both their fists connected to each other's faces. The fight was on.
You looked at the girls who pushed both of them, and saw they were wearing smirks.
Those bitches. They're lucky I have to deal with Tom and Haz.
You clenched your fists this time and pushed them away from each other. After all the fights in the past, you'd gotten pretty good tearing people apart.

Just Another Fan...
FanficY/N goes to an event, which happens to be to meet Tom Holland. You both notice each other. Will something happen? After all you are just another fan...