I'd Do It Because I Love You

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Hey guys! So this part may be a bit longer than the other chapters, but I don't think you'll mind it! As I was writing this, I was happy because... well you'll find out lol. But enjoy! 

The anticipation was rising in your veins. What was he going to say? Was it something good? Something bad? 

He looked at you and smiled. "Y/N, I-"

"Guys!" Harry ran over to you two. "They need all of us back at the set."

Tom turned and faced him. "What? Why?"

"I don't know. They just told me to get all of you and go back to the studio."

Tom sighed. "Okay, we're coming." 

He turned to face you and you gave him a confused look. He smiled and said, "This is gonna have to continue tomorrow then."

"Okay..." you laughed and you two walked towards the others.


It was a busy night. When all of you had gotten back to the studio, the directors and producers needed you dearly. Tom had to shoot some more scenes in order for the movie process to be on time. Harrison, you, Sam, and Harry all had to help Tom, but you all had to be extras in the background, along with Lily and Matt. Even though all of you were still soaking wet from the rain, they didn't care. Well, except for Tom, because he had to be in new outfits for the scenes. 

After all of this was done, it was about 3 am, and the producers said you could come back at 9 am. None of you fell asleep until about 5, and you had to leave by 7. That left all of you only getting about an hour of sleep. But that didn't matter to you guys because the night before was a blast. 

You all arrived at the studio with coffees in your hands, slowly walking through the doors.

"Hey guys! Woah, what happened?" one of the producers said.

"Well Mate, we didn't get home until five and that's when we all fell asleep. We had to leave at seven so we could get here, and that left us with an hour of sleep." Tom said yawning.

"Oh, I'm so sorry that happened! I guesss the time really flew from us." he said.

You all nodded. He led you to the set and it was immediately work time. The director had told you that it would only be a half day at work, considering what happened last night. Tom and everyone else thanked him, and got to work.

You were talking with Harrison when someone was knocking on the set door. You gave Harrison a confused look, and went to open the door. When you opened it, your eyes widened once you saw who was behind it.

"Nope." you said and went to close it. But the guy behind it was too strong and pushed it back open.

"We don't need any extra help. Actually, maybe you can go ask and they can tell you to clean the bathrooms. That's a job fitting for you."

"Ouch. Don't be that way." he said.

"How can I-"

"Hey, what's going on?" Harrison came over and asked. 

"Nothing man." 

"Jake, just go. I don't want you here."

"Hold up- this is Jake?" he studied his face more. "Ohh, I recognize you from the dance now. What are you doing here?" his eyes became hard.

"Believe it or not my friend asked me to be here?" He smirked at you.

"Oh, I didn't invite you, I don't want anything to do with you after how big of a jerk you were."

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