Hey guys! Really quick I just wanna say that today there was so much new Tom content and it's great ❤️😂 But I wanted to say that I've noticed for some reason, my chapters are out of order?? Like I went to go see something and I noticed that some of the chapters were completely out of order. Now I was confused, so I can only imagine how confused you guys were and new readers are. But at the end of the book, I'll probably put a list of what order to read them in. I'm so sorry this happened but hopefully it'll get fixed?? But for now, enjoy this part 😂❤️
"I need to tell you something," Jacob said.
"Oh, okay. What's up?" You said.
"I, um, can we go somewhere else to talk?"
You gave him a confused look but then smiled. "Sure. Hold on let me tell my friends."
You walked back into the room. "Hey guys?" They all looked up at you. "I have to go talk to with Jacob really quick. So I'll be gone but I promise I'll make it back soon and we can eat all the pizza we want."
There were some groans, and some okay.
"Jacob?" Tom asked.
"Yes. But Tom I promise nothing is gonna happen. He just needs to talk to me really quick."
Tom raised an eyebrow. "Okay but if he tries anything I'm gonna-"
"Nothing is gonna happen. I'm with YOU. Which means I'm not gonna let anything happen."
"Okay." He walked over to give you a kiss.
You guys pulled away. "And I'm gonna kick your butt playing those games." You said.
"What game are you talking about?" All of them asked.
"Eh, doesn't really matter. I'm still gonna win no matter what game it is."
"Wow," They all said and you all laughed.
You opened the door and walked out.
"Hey. Sorry I took so long."
"Oh it's no problem." Jacob said. He was fighting with his keys.
"Cool. So where are we going?"
"I figured we could go somewhere to eat to talk. I'll buy the food."
"Oh, you don't have to." You said.
"No, I insist."
"Okay. Thank you."
"Of course."
You both got into his car and drove for a little bit until you arrived at Burger King. You got out and ordered. Once your food came, you started talking.
"So what did you need to tell me?" You asked before you took a bite of your fry.
"I um, well first off how are things? Between everyone?"
"Yeah. Like your friends, that girl Emma?"
"Oh funny you should say that. Emma was behind the pictures of us the whole time. And just as I predicted, her minion Ella was the interviewer playing into it more."
"But the pictures where real."
"They were. But they made it seem like we kissed on purpose- not in the script. Emma has been trying to tear me and Tom apart since I met Tom. Well technically after the whole kidnapping thing."
"Woah that's a long time." He said laughing. You laughed too.
"Yeah it is. But I confronted her about it, and she slapped me."
"She slapped you?"
"Yeah but it was nothing. I punched in the face."
"Dang! Go you! I knew there was a reason I liked you."
You smiled.
"What happened after that?"
"My ex crush came back, charged towards me and I might have punched him in the face..." you smirked.
"Your ex crush too?! Now that's my kind of girl." He winked.
Hold up. Was that a wink? Yeah I'm pretty sure that was a wink. And what does he mean 'my kind of girl?'
You were confused but decided not to say anything.
"How have you been? I want to apologize for getting you involved in the picture drama."
"Oh, it's okay. Don't worry I didn't mind."
You raised your eyebrow.
"Because... they were fake."
"Oh I get you."
"Yeah. So how are things with you and Tom?"
"Me and Tom?"
"Oh things are great! We got back together, and I couldn't be happier. He apologized for believing them and we made sort of a pact."
"What's the pact? If you don't mind me asking."
"The pact is that we won't let anything like that come between us. We need to talk about whatever is suspicious. Basically we won't break up until we know the full truth."
"O-oh that's a good pact."
"It is. We've been through so much, and we don't want to lose each other again."
"That's great."
"Thank you." You said.
"For what, Love?"
"Being there. I'm glad you're in my life, you know?"
"Of course. Always." He smiled. You got another fry.
You guys walked outside towards his car and he called your name.
You turned around. "I think I need to tell you what I asked you to meet me for."
"This is gonna be hard. Promise you won't say anything until I'm all done, okay?"
You nodded and he took a deep breath.
"You remember that one day you brought Tom to the set and you told everyone he was your boyfriend?"
You nodded.
"And when you looked over at me I seemed sad? I know you saw it."
Again, you nodded.
"I was sad because I realized I'll never have you." You gave him a confused look. "The first day we hung out, I didn't want our time to stop. I wanted to hang out with you all night. And I knew you and Tom were dating. But it didn't hit me until he was there holding your hand. I wanted to hold your hand. That's when it hit me that..."
He was looking for the right words to say. "That... I'll never have you. I realized that I was falling in love with you and I couldn't do anything about it."
Your stomach dropped.
WHAT. In love with me?!
"And I feel so awful because you love Tom, I know you do. He makes you happy and all I ever wanted was you happy. And I wanted to be the one to make you happy, but I'm not gonna take you away from the one thing or one person putting a smile on your face."
He looked down. "I told myself I wouldn't, but dang it Y/N I like you."
You were at a loss for words. You thought he was gonna tell you about work but he just confessed his feelings. And you felt bad. Because he was so sweet and you couldn't hurt him. But you loved Tom.
What do I tell him?
You started but didn't have time to finish because he smashed his lips to yours.

Just Another Fan...
FanfictionY/N goes to an event, which happens to be to meet Tom Holland. You both notice each other. Will something happen? After all you are just another fan...