You and Tom kept running. The whole time he was still holding your hand and he was guiding you through all the people and booths. You guys kept running until he spotted a door and pulled you in while shutting the door. You guys were quiet in the dark while you heard everyone yelling and running by. All that could be heard was you guys trying to catch your breath.
"Does this happen to you all the time?" you asked him.
"Eh it's a fifty-fifty. I can go to events where I don't have them, and then days like today where I do have them." he responded.
"Oh wow, I'm sorry. That seems like a pain to deal with."
"It's okay. I mean all the other fans overcome them, so it's all good."
"Oh okay, good. I never thought that this would happen. Like I did because you're Tom Holland, but-"
"It's all good, I know what you mean. I never thought it'd go to this extent." he told you. You nodded even though he couldn't see you.
"Is there a light switch in here?" looking around while your eyes were adjusting to the darkness of the room.
"Um, I'm not sure. Let's check." You and Tom searched but there didn't seem to be one anywhere in the room.
"That's crazy. This is a room they have to have a light switch." just then the lights turned on. Tom turned toward you and smiled.
"Ah, so you found the light."
"Indeed I did."
You guys laughed and looked around the room trying to make out what exactly it was. It seemed to be a storage closet. But something felt different. You went to move your hand to fix your hair when you were holding something. Tom's hand.
"Um, I-I'm sorry." you said.
"Oh, no it's okay love," he told you smiling. You could tell he was blushing. You guys pulled your hands away. "So, what do you want to do?" he asked you.
"Hmm... I don't know. How about 2 truths one lie?" you shrugged your shoulders and suggested.
"Okay! I play that with Haz all the time so I'm down."
"Okay cool! You can go first."
"Okay." he said thinking. "I have one dog, have two best friends, and 4 brothers." he crossed his arms, thinking it'd be a tough one for you.
"Easy. You have four brothers. You actually only have three brothers." you smiled.
"What?! How'd you get that?"
"I know you Tom," you laughed and shook your head. "Not in a creepy way, just a fan who loves your work and wanted to see what your life was like outside of the spotlight." you chuckled.
"Oh okay I see. So you're a dedicated fan."
"You could say that."
"Okay, dedicated fan, when's my birthday? Month, Day, Year?"
"Again, easy. June 1, 1996."
"You got it.... Okay how about name all of my brothers in order."
"Okay. Harry, Sam, then Paddy."
"You knew that one too! Alright, what character do I want to play next?"
"James Bond."
"How the heck do you know all of this stuff?!"
"I told you, I'm dedicated. Every Hollander has done research on Tom Holland. It's like, mandatory." you giggled.
"Ohh I get you. Did it take you long to figure all this stuff out about me?" he asked sitting criss cross on the floor. He looked genuinely curious. You giggled and sat criss cross in front of him.

Just Another Fan...
FanfictionY/N goes to an event, which happens to be to meet Tom Holland. You both notice each other. Will something happen? After all you are just another fan...