Hey guys!! So I have another announcement 😂 I have another account! Its under GCW_16. It's with my friend Will, and we'll be taking turns writing another story about Tom. But don't worry! This is still my main account and I'm NOT leaving! (Incase any of you was worried I was leaving). I'm not and Just Another Fan is still happening! I told you we have some more drama unfolding so here it is 😏😂 But I want to thank all of you again for everything. So let's focus on this part! :)
You woke up the next morning holding a pizza box. You gave a confused look and sat up. Tom was sleeping beside you, while Harrison and Jacob were sprawled out on the floor. Zendaya was on the other bed and Laura was on the floor. It was apparent that Z had kicked her off the bed. You chuckled and found Lily and Matt by the table. Her head was on his shoulder and you smiled.
The more you looked around, the more it looked weird. If someone were to walk in, it would look like you all got drunk, ate pizza, and crashed. Which is basically what you did, except replace drinking alcohol with watching movies.
You heard a yawn and saw Tom sit up.
"Hello love," He said.
"Hey." You smiled. He looked around the room.
"What happened here?"
"It looks bad huh?"
"Oh yeah. Which is why I'm gonna record it."
"What? Tom what are you doing?"
He got off the bed quietly and grabbed his phone. He started recording.
"Six movies, and three pizzas later... we have this. Guys, this is truly what we do on our days off."
You laughed and he did too. Slowly everyone started waking up and started asking what happened. You all enjoyed it and then decided you'd go out for breakfast.
You all got ready and headed out. You guys decided to have pancakes. (Aye Tom and Harrison! I'm just gonna leave this lovely little clip for you guys here) 💕😂
You got out and sat down at a table. As you were talking to Zendaya about something in the menu, you looked up and saw someone walk in the door. But it wasn't just anyone. It was Emma and her crew. She looked at you and gave you a dirty look. You saw that her nose was red and swollen. You saw Jake beside her with the same thing. Although he had black around his nose and eyes which meant he had a broken nose.
Oh my gosh did I hit him that hard?!
Everyone else looked at them and gave them a cold expression. Once they saw Jake they smirked.
"Holy cow Y/N, how hard do you punch?!" Tony asked.
"I don't know! I never meant to break his nose. I don't even know how that's possible!"
"It's simple love," Tom said looking at you. "He pushed you to the max and you had enough. Good for you. He doesn't deserve you. What he does deserve is that broken nose."
You shook your head and smiled. Like he said, you had enough. Plus he was coming towards you, and you were protecting yourself.
You tried to forget it and ate your pancakes. Which helped because you didn't care about Emma and her crew. You had yours.
You left and all of you decided to go to the park. It was the park that you all went to when you and Tom first started dating, where you first confronted Emma, and had some of your best memories. As you were talking, it started to rain. Everyone got up and started to play in it. You were happy with where you were.
Tom grabbed your hand and you started to chase him and then you two stopped. You were staring at each other and smiled. He put a hand on your cheek and kissed you.
No matter how cliche that was, you loved it.
We're kissing in the rain. HES SO CUTE.
You pulled away and smiled. You put a hand on his cheek too.
"Promise me this is forever." You said. (Any TVD fans??)
"I promise, Darling." He replied. He kissed you again. "I also love The Vampire Diaries." He said laughing. You laughed too.
After playing in the rain for a while, you guys were all cold and decided to go back to the hotel room. You all changed into pajamas and decided to watch The Vampire Diaries.
You made some popcorn and all of you started watching it. It just so happened to be the episode you quoted. (If any of you are confused here it is. 1:04 is the part)
You looked at Tom and you and him smirked. He pulled you closer. That moment was interrupted when you saw things being thrown at the T.V. Screen.
"What is going on?" You asked chuckling.
"She should be with Stefan, not Damon." Jacob said.
"No, she should be with Damon and not Stefan." Harrison said.
"Okay I have an idea. Anyone who thinks Stelena is better go to the left side of the room. Anyone who thinks Delena is better come to the right of the room." You said and Just like that everyone separated.
On the Stelena team, it was Jacob, Laura, Tony, and Matt, and Harry.
For Delena, it was you (if you ship Stelena then just put yourself on that side. I personally shop Delena tho☺️😂),Tom, Harrison, Lily, Zendaya, and Sam.
"Oh dang, look at that, this is is gonna break our friendship." Jacob Said and you all laughed. You were happy in that moment, because everything was fine. There was no drama, no sign of Emma and her minions. Just you and your friends.
As you guys got settled back to where you were, there was a knock at the door.
Lily got up. "I'll get it." You all nodded.
"I'll be right back, okay?" She asked. You noticed a bit of excitement and a bit of annoyance in her voice. Something was off.
After a few minutes you guys started to wonder where she went. You volunteered to go look for her. You grabbed your converse and slipped them on. You opened the door and walked out of the room. She wasn't in the hallway.
You went down to the pool. She wasn't there either. You looked all over the place but couldn't seem to find her.
You got in the elevator and went up to your floor. You unlocked your phone to find her contact to call her.
It rang a couple times and you had to leave a voicemail.
"Hey Lily, it's me. I'm just calling to see where you went. We all started worrying so I went looking for you, but I can seem to find you..." you trailed off. What you saw made your stomach drop. You couldn't believe it. You didn't have to find Lily anymore, because there she was right by your door.
The only thing was that she was kissing Jake.

Just Another Fan...
FanficY/N goes to an event, which happens to be to meet Tom Holland. You both notice each other. Will something happen? After all you are just another fan...