Hey guys! So this is gonna be a much happier, part. I know the previous parts have been hectic and I myself have cried writing them so here's cute boyfriend Tom! ❤️😂
You guys stayed hugging for a little bit longer. You felt him pull away to look down at you.
"What?" You asked, giggling.
"Nothing. I'm just admiring my beautiful girlfriend."
"Awe, Tom that's so sweet."
"What are you looking at?" He asked this time, also giggling.
"Nothing. Just my handsome boyfriend."
"Awe that's so sweet. But I think you're the cutest one here."
You smiled and he smiled back.
"Oh, I think we should head back and let all of them know what's going on. They're probably wondering what we're doing." Tom said grabbing your hand.
"True. How do you think they'll take it?"
"I have no idea. Our friends are pretty unpredictable." He chuckled.
"You have a very good point."
You guys walked toward the door and headed downstairs. You tripped and Tom had to catch you once again. (Again this is literally me tho 😂)
"How do you do it?" He asked you.
"Do what?"
"Trip up and down the stairs?"
"I honestly have no idea. It's just a special talent I have." You wriggled your eyebrows and he laughed.
"I love you so much, you know that?" He said and looked at you. You looked him in the eye and saw the softness again. You had gotten pretty good at doing that.
"I do now. I love you so much too."
You guys kept talking when you finally made it to the final door. You walked through and sat by Lily and Zendaya.
"Hey, you're back!" Lily said.
"What's up girl?" Zendaya said. "What did you need to talk to Tom about?" She looked over and saw Tom, but looked closer and saw you holding his hand. "GIRL WHAT IS THIS? WHY ARE YOU HOLDING HIS HAND?!"
"Yeah... that's what we need to talk about..."
"Please explain."
"I will, help me get everyone."
They both nodded and soon you, Tom, Harrison, Sam, Harry, Matt, Zendaya, and Lily were in the parking lot.
"So Y/N, Tom, please explain to all of us WHY YOU TWO ARE HOLDING HANDS." Zendaya said.
"Well, Tom did something really really sweet. He showed me how much he was sorry for what he did. There was something there that I knew he felt bad and wanted my forgiveness. He was genuinely sorry. He said he's gonna change his ways."
She raised an eyebrow.
"Look, I love how all of you have my back, and Z, I know how much you're there for me. But I feel like this decision had to be based on what Tom and I felt and I feel like taking him back was the right choice. I'm giving him one last chance. Tom's gonna prove to me that he's not going to hurt me again."
"I am. Look, I made a really big and stupid mistake. But Y/N means so much to me. No one will ever know what she means to me. Hurting her was the worst thing I could have ever done and I'm gonna prove that I will never hurt her or let her go. I can't lose her. So please, can you guys give me another chance? If Y/N thinks it's alright, there has to be some hope you guys do too, right?" Tom said.
Everyone exchanged a look and Lily stepped forward.
"You're right. If Y/N is going to forgive you, we can all forgive you. But if you hurt her again I swear I'll-"
"Lily, I think he gets the point." Matt said stepping in front of her. "You're not gonna hurt her again?"
You looked at Zendaya. She stepped forward. "Alright loser I'm giving you another chance. But if you hurt her again I WILL KILL YOU."
"Gotcha." Tom said and blinked fast. You laughed. You looked at Harrison and walked towards him.
"Haz, You're one of my best friends, and I love you too. But I need to know, You're truly sorry?"
"One hundred percent. I'm so so sorry. Will you please forgive me?"
"I forgive you. Just don't do that again okay?" You said smacking his arm.
"I won't!" He pulled you in for a hug. You truly felt complete now that you were with Tom and Harrison again.
"Okay guys, to a new chapter." You said.
"To a new chapter!" Everyone repeated. And that's exactly what happened. A new chapter had begun.
The press tour was still going on and things went back to normal. You were one of Tom's assistants so you got to spend a lot of time with him. Every chance he'd get he's give you a hug, or tell you he loved you.Tom was gonna do an interview, and it involved you. People wanted to know what happened, so both of you were scheduled to talk about it.
"Hey babe, you okay? You look a little pale."
You nodded. "Yeah. Just a little nervous, that's all."
"Love," He said and he hugged you. You put your head on his chest and he kissed the top of it. "It's gonna go great. I get to show the love of my life and talk about her." You smiled and you knew he felt it. "Wanna wear my sweatshirt?"
You nodded. He took his sweatshirt off and handed it to you.
"You know I love that sweatshirt, but you look way cuter in it, love." He said.
"Awe thank you. I think so too." You said and both of you laughed. Just then it was time to head on stage.
You two got on and sat in the chairs. They started with Tom's movie, and how you were an extra in the movie. Then the relationship questions happened.
"So, Tom, what's the relationship status now? Last time we checked you were single." The interviewer said.
"Well That has changed. I'm back together with Y/N and I couldn't be happier." He smiled at you and you smiled back.
"Y/N, how does it feel to be dating The Tom Holland?"
"Well, it's great you know? I knew him before he got super famous so I got to know that Tom and he hasn't changed one bit. I'm dating the kind, humble, dork of a guy. He hasn't let fame get to his head."
He smirked and looked at the interviewer.
"That's so cute! Tom what is it like to be dating an ordinary girl like Y/N?"
Your stomach dropped. What did she mean by that? Granted you knew you weren't super famous but were you that ordinary to other people?
"Ordinary?" He asked.
"Yeah. I mean she isn't super famous, so what's it like dating another ordinary girl?"
"Y/N is far from ordinary. She's extraordinary in all the best ways. She truly appreciates everything she is given, helps me stay grounded, she's super fun, and I know she isn't with me for the money. She's my best friend and I'm so glad to date her. I wouldn't want anyone else you know?"
You smiled while Tom giggled and reached for your hand. You grabbed his and he looked over at you. His look was different from what you usually saw, he looked... in love.
The interview was over and Tom asked you if you wanted anything to eat. You both decided on McDonald's and you two were the only ones there at 10 PM. You guys decided to play in the play area and occasionally you would have to help each other out, because you'd get stuck climbing. He sat across from you, you two stealing each other's fries.
You smiled a big smile. And you knew it.
You were truly in love with this dork you could call yours.

Just Another Fan...
FanfictionY/N goes to an event, which happens to be to meet Tom Holland. You both notice each other. Will something happen? After all you are just another fan...