Hey guys! So it's only the second day of school so I have time to update 😂❤️ But I'm just curious, have any of you already started school, or like me started this week?? I'm just curious lol 😂❤️ Anyway here's this part :)
You were all trying to process what just happened. With one swift move, Matt got Lily out of harms way and punched Jake in the face.
You saw Jake get up and hit Matt, but it didn't do anything to him. If anything, it just made him more angry. Matt when in again and tackled him. He punched him over and over until finally Tom and Harrison had to pull him back.
"Don't ever touch her again! You hear me?!" He yelled as Jake got up.
"Or what?! Why do you care so much about her? She's nothing!"
"She's not nothing! And so help me Jake you lay a finger on her," and looked around and found you, "Or her again, I'm gonna deal with you. You will be sorry because no one will be there to hold me back." His jaw was clenched.
"Fine." Jake said and staggered out the doors.
Harrison and Tom let Matt go so he could let off some steam. He took deep breaths while all of you stood there in awe. There was Matt, the nice guy in the corner who ate his peaches, breathing in and out to prevent himself from seriously hurting Jake.
After he cooled off he walked over to Lily.
"You okay?"
"Me, Okay? Look at you! You're more hurt than me."
"But your wrist is now bruising." He held her wrist.
"It is?" She looked down. "That doesn't matter, you need to be fixed up more than me. Come on." She grabbed his hand and led him to the bathroom.
After they walked by, all of you started wriggling your eyebrows. Things were happening.
She fixed his hand and he was sitting on the bed. Lily was with him, and they were talking. You walked over to them.
"Hey Matt?"
"I have a present for you."
"A present for me?"
"Yes. You're going to like it trust me."
"Just close your eyes." He obeyed.
You placed something into his hands. "Open."
You laughed. "Yes! I found some in the fridge and I thought who better to eat them than the guy who loves peaches the most?"
"This is literally the best you have no idea. I haven't had peaches in forever. Thanks Y/N." He got up and gave you a hug.
"You feeling okay?" You asked looking at his knuckles.
"I'm fine don't worry."
"Good. Hey can I talk to you?"
You guys went outside.
"So?" He asked confused.
"I know why you punched Matt."
"Of course. He hurt both of you."
"True... But Matt I saw you when Lily said he kissed her. Your jaw was clenched and your hands were in fists. I'm pretty sure that means something." You said chuckling.
"Oh that? That's-"
"I know the truth Goofball. Him hurting her set you off more. You like her."
"What?! Pfft no I don't." He said waving his hand.
"Mhm. Okay Matt, I'm your best friend right?"
"Of course."
"That means I CAN SEE THINGS YOU TWO DON'T! Matt admit it you like Lily!"
"I don't!"
"Okay we'll then I'll just go tell Lily that-"
"No!" He yelled and grabbed your wrist. You turned around with a smirk on your face.
"Fine. I like Lily."
"Oh my gosh!"
"You admitted it! Yes!"
"Yeah. But the only problem is that she doesn't like me back."
"What? Trust me she does."
"Yeah, does- not."
"Matt, she does. You remember when you and Lily made fun of me and Tom acting a certain way around each other and low and behold we're together?"
He nodded.
"Well, we didn't see that but you guys did. Other people did. And I see that in BOTH of you."
"Wow, I don't know what to say."
"It's okay, it's all confusing. But you'll be okay." You said and got up. You went back to the hotel room.
"Hey babe." Tom said walking over to you.
"Hey," You said.
"Say, wanna take Quackson for a walk?"
You smiled and nodded. You put her leash on and walked out with Tom.
You two walked down the side walk, hand in hand. You looked down and smiled. Who would have thought you and Tom would be together?
Lily and Matt.
He looked over at you. "Is that my hoodie?"
"Oh, you mean OUR hoodie?" You asked.
"Our hoodie?"
"Mhm. It's yours and my favorite hoodie so we share."
He smiled and shook his head. "You're so cute you know that?"
"So I've been told."
"By who?"
"Oh you know, my incredibly sweet and handsome boyfriend."
"He sounds like a good dude."
"He is."
You guys walked a little more and then stopped at a park. It was fall, so all the leaves had turned color and were starting to fall.
"Isn't it so pretty?" You asked.
"Sure. But I thought she was prettier."
You laughed. "Now that was cheesy. But I love it."
Tom sat down on a bench and you played with Quackson. You played in the leaves with her and ran around. You didn't know Tom was taking pictures and videos of you doing this. It made the moment sweeter.
You guys decided to go to a little cafe. You sat outside so Quackson could be by. You took pictures and videos of Tom this time. You were talking about what you were gonna do next, the press tours, and how things were when someone ran up to you guys."Y/N I need your help!" He said.
"Matt? What are you doing here? Wait how did you even find me?"
"Snap map. I found your location."
"Okay that's creepy." You laughed. "What's wrong, are you okay? What do you need help with?"
"I think I'm gonna ask Lily out."
You and Tom dropped your Quacksons.

Just Another Fan...
FanfictionY/N goes to an event, which happens to be to meet Tom Holland. You both notice each other. Will something happen? After all you are just another fan...