The week had gone by pretty fast since then. You would tell Lily and Matt about what exactly you would do when you meet him but you would change it often.
"Okay, so what are you planning to do when you meet him this time?" Matt had asked you laughing.
"Alright, so there's this room where I get to meet him and take pictures. When I do I'm going to say hi, compliment him, and then smile really big." You say.
"Oh my gosh Y/N, that is the worst plan ever." Lily told you also laughing.
You tried to hide a laugh. "What?! How?"
"You're going to 'smile really big'. You don't want to be creepy!" you all three died with laughter.
"Okay, okay, I won't do that." You tell them.
"Wait! Will you tell him you love him?" Matt asked with a smirk.
"No Matt. Now that's creepy."
"True. That's why I said it." He gave you another smirk.
You playfully punched his arm. "But seriously guys, I don't know what I'm going to do. I really only have about 5 minutes. I want to impress him, but I'm just another fan..." you say messing with your mashed potatoes.
Lily and Matt gave each other a look.
"What?" you asked.
"Y/N, don't worry. We can help you. And who knows maybe you may think you're 'just another fan', but to him you could be everything." Lily said smiling.
You smiled. You had to admit, that gave you some hope. "True. I'd honestly love that. But It's the other way around. He's my everything, and I'm STILL just the fan." You say laughing a bit.
"All will go well! So when do you leave?" Matt asked eating peaches. Dang that boy loves peaches for some reason.
"It's Thursday, so I leave on Saturday." Then it hit you what you just said. "HOLY COW IT'S THURSDAY AND I LEAVE ON SATURDAY."
"Yes." Matt and Lily said in unison laughing.
"Hey guys what's so funny?" you heard a voice. Oh no. You knew exactly who that voice belonged to.
"Nothing." You, Lily, and Matt say together. That snobby voice belonged to Abbigail. What the heck did she want?
"Oh really? Because it sounded pretty big to me. And everyone else."
You three turn your heads to see half the cafeteria looking at you guys.
"Abbigail, what do you want?" Lily asked. You were still looking down at your mashed potatoes.
"Oh nothing really. Just want to know what this loser wannabe is up to."
You looked up at her and she smirked.
"See? She doesn't even have the courage to tell me off."
"Just please leave me alone." you managed to mumble.
"Oh, you have something to say?"
You rolled your eyes and looked down again.
"Abbigail, just go", Matt said.
"Okay. I really don't want to, but I don't want her loserness to rub off on me." She laughed at her own joke.
"Loserness isn't even a word." you whispered.
"Nothing." you say clenching your fists.
"Okay whatever." you watched her walk away and go sit at a table. But not just any table. It was the table where Jake was at.
"I can't believe I couldn't stand up for myself." you said.
"Hey it's okay. You will one day. Why do you even let her get away with it?" Matt asked.
"I don't even know! I try my best. I get courage, and then once she saunters over, it's like 3rd grade all over again, and it just drops."
"Eh. Don't worry. One day she'll do something, and you'll go off on her. I can't wait to see that." Him and Lily started laughing.
"Me too." you add along to the laughter.
"But who cares about her. All you need to worry about it trying to impress Tom Holland." Lily smirks. You look at your two best friends and think to yourself about how grateful you are to have them.
"Yup let's do this." You say. You all three nod as you come up with a plan.

Just Another Fan...
FanfictionY/N goes to an event, which happens to be to meet Tom Holland. You both notice each other. Will something happen? After all you are just another fan...