I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for the reads, the votes, the comments, everything! They make me so happy and I just love updating for you guys. :) Here's this part and ooh things are about to get a lot more interesting...
"Hey babe," you looked up and saw Tom walk through the door with Harrison.
"Hey," You said and smiled. He came over and gave you a kiss. "How was guys night out?"
"It was good!"
"It was until this Div was hungry, wanted Chipotle (does anyone remember their video of this?? 😂), But couldn't find Chipotle!" Harrison said calling from his side of the trailer.
"Is that so?" You asked laughing.
"I'm sorry! I didn't realize Chipotle was so far away and I also didn't realize that it was so important I couldn't find it." He said looking at Harrison.
"It is mate, you're drunk."
"Nah, you're drunk Haz."
"Tom, you're ridiculous! You couldn't find a restaurant that was 5 minutes away from you!"
"It wasn't five minutes away!"
"You were so distracted that you didn't focus!"
"So? Is it that big of a deal?"
"It is, you're an idiot!"
"Me? Look at you!"
You looked back and forth between them. What was happening? Were they really fighting over the fact that Tom couldn't find Chipotle? You saw them get closer to each other and went in between them.
"Guys! What the heck is happening? Are you two really fighting over Tom not finding Chipotle?"
They looked at you and then busted out laughing. You were utterly confused.
"What's so funny?"
"Y/N," Harrison said, "we weren't really fighting! We pretended to be mad at each other just to see what you'd do. You handled it well by
stopping us."You smacked the back of both their heads.
"Ow!" They both said giggling. "What was that for?"
"For making me think that I'd have to break the two of you up, over a fight about CHIPOTLE."
"That makes it so much more funnier." Tom said laughing and pulling you in for a hug.
You hugged him and smiled. Even if it was little, you loved how they found something to laugh about. You loved that Tom was your boyfriend and Harrison was your best friend. You loved your two dorks.
You woke up to see Tom awake making breakfast. Harrison was sitting at the table eating some pancakes Tom made."Mate what did you put in these?" Harrison asked making a face.
"...chocolate chips... why?"
"Mate these aren't chocolate chips."
"Then what are they?"
Harrison took another bite. "You Div, these are raisins!!"
"What?! No! I grabbed that bag over there." He pointed to the one on the table and then realized he left the chocolate chips in the fridge. "Ohhh..."
"But is there such wrong doing as putting raisins in pancakes?"
"Yes! Raisins do NOT belong in pancakes!"
"Okay, then you make some." Tom handed him the spatula and Harrison took over. Tom tried some of his and made a face. You laughed and they both looked at you.
"You know, both of you are Divs. Let me make them." You got up, took the spatula from Harrison and made pancakes your way. You handed each of them a plate and they were shocked.
"Holy cow these are good Y/N." Harrison said.
"Thank you! I've practiced a lot."
"Babe these are really good." Tom said finishing his whole plate. "I vote that Y/N makes pancakes for us all the time."
"I agree." Harrison said.
"What?! All the time?"
"Pleeaassee?" They both asked.
"Okay, as long as you do the dishes."
They looked at each other. "Deal."
You smiled and then it faded. "Tom! Look at the time you have your interview!"
"Shoot!!" He got cloths and went to the bathroom and got changed. You and Harrison changed next and you all took off to the interview place.
"Mr. Holland?" A guy said when you walking in."I'm here."
"Great right this way."
Tom sat down and waited for the interviewer. She finally came and asked questions about the movie but then she got more personal.
"So Tom," she said looking at him. "How are things with you and your girlfriend?"
Tom looked at you and you nodded. You and Tom had waited a little bit to tell your guys' fans you were dating, but you recently told them. After that interviewers would always ask.
"Things are going good, you know? She's amazing, she's super super funny and she's just the best. I'm so lucky to have her in my life. This morning my mate Harrison and I tried to make pancakes and it failed," He laughed while looking at you guys. "But then Y/N came in and saved the day. So she makes us pancakes as long as we do the dishes."
The interviewer laughed too. "That's so sweet! How long have you two been dating?"
"We've been dating for 6 months, and it's been the best 6 months of my life."
You smiled and Harrison nudged your shoulder. You looked at him and he raised his eyebrows up and down. Your mood instantly got brighter.
You guys did more interviews and afterwards you all decided to get a drink. (You're all 21 at this point). You only drank one, and then had to drive Harrison and Tom home. You helped both of them through the doors and as soon as they walked in they booth fell.
"Wow, the both of you are so drunk." You laughed and helped them off the floor. "Come on this way." You put Tom on your guys' bed and Harrison on the couch. You got them some water.
"Why thank you. You're really pretty. What's your name?" Harrison asked.
"You don't know who I am? Haz it's Y/N."
"Hmm? Y/N?"
"Oh good. I was worried. Tom's so wasted."
"Mate you're the one who's wasted." Tom called out.
"Both of you are wasted. Just drink your waters." You went over to lay with Tom. He lied his head on your lap and you played with his hair.
It was calm like this for a while. But Tom stared to wake up more.
"Can I have another one?"
"No way, Tom. You're really drunk right now."
"What? N-no I'm not..."
You laughed and you had recorded him earlier to show him.
"Just come lay down."
"You're really pretty, so okay." You laughed and he lied his head back down on your lap.
"Hey, I-I have to tell you a secret okay?"
"Okay." You giggled. "What is it?"
"I slept with someone else."

Just Another Fan...
FanfictionY/N goes to an event, which happens to be to meet Tom Holland. You both notice each other. Will something happen? After all you are just another fan...