Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update sooner, there's a lot happening but I'm here to update this part. Also Spider-Man: Far From Home started filming yesterday and it already looks so good, Tom looks great, and I can't wait for all the new content!! :)
"Emma?" You said as your stomach dropped.
"Y-yeah, I um-"
"Your ex girlfriend Emma?"
He nodded and looked down.
"Tom," he looked up, "How could you?" Your voice cracked as you said that and that's when it hit him- he hurt you and there was nothing at that moment he could do to fix it.
"Y/N I'm so sorry."
"How did it happen?"
"What do you mean?"
"How did it come about? Were you just talking and you thought to do it? What happened?"
"It happened one night when Haz and I went to get a drink. She was there and I told her I had to get home to you. But I ended up drinking more than I should have and... things just escalated..."
"So you drunkly hooked up with her?"
"Oh my gosh." You whispered. That night he came home late (not the night before 😂) he said that he and Haz went to the beach, when in reality he was with Emma.
You turned around to leave but Tom grabbed your arm.
"Y/N please I-I-"
"Tom you lied to me!" You said facing him, crying. "That night you told me you went to the beach, and I believed you! But you were in bed with Emma!"
"I'm so sorry!"
"Sorry isn't gonna cut it, Tom."
"I know I hurt you and I just don't know what to do."
"You didn't just hurt me Tom, you broke me. I thought our relationship was going great. We were finally together after not being together for so long. It doesn't matter if you were drunk or not, it still happened. And you knew about me even when you had some alcohol in you. You still cheated on me." You whispered the last part and Tom put a hand on your cheek. You looked up to see he was crying too.
"We can fix this, we can-"
"Tom I-I can't."
"What can I do?"
"Just please, leave me alone it's too hard to look at you right now." You covered your mouth and went outside.
"Guys what do I do?" Tom asked looking at everyone.
"I don't know but I'm so gonna kill you." Zendaya said walking over to him. "How could you hurt her like that?! She was your girlfriend and she loved you with every bone in her body. And one too many drinks you hook up with your ex girlfriend, AKA THE GIRL THAT TRIED TO RUIN HER LIFE?!"
"LOOK I DIDN'T MEAN TO OKAY?! I feel so incredibly bad right now! Did you see her face?! I broke her! I can never forgive myself for that." Tom said.
"Harrison you aren't innocent either." She said looking at him.
"Yes! YOU knew and didn't tell her!"
"I'm sorry! I was drunk too and I wasn't sure if that happened!"
"Either way you guys messed up big time. You hurt Y/N. OF ALL THE PEOPLE IT'S Y/N YOU HURT."
You were still outside as all of this was happening. You were trying to figure out what to do. You loved Tom, so much it hurt. But to know that he did that made you think about all the other times he's come home and he's loopy or not himself. Did he do this another time?
You shook your head and looked down.
I knew something was up. It was too good to be true. He's the celebrity, and I'm just another fan.
You took a deep breath and decided to walk back to Zendaya's room. As you walked through the door you saw all of them arguing.
"Is everyone okay?" You asked.
"Y/N!" They all yelled.
"What's going on?"
"Nothing! I was just telling Tom how I'm gonna kill him." Zendaya told you.
"Z, it's okay, I got this. Tom can I talk to you?"
"Yeah, of course."
You guys walked out of the room and stood in the hallway.
"Look, I-I..." you didn't know where you were gonna go with it. You knew when you were outside but now, all the words were stuck.
"Y/N, are we still together?"
"That's the thing. Tom I love you so much you have no idea. But you doing this, it broke me. So, I think it's best if we should break up. I can't do this, it's so hard to look at you without wanting to cry." You took a deep breath to stop yourself from crying.
"Love I completely understand. I will forever regret what I did. It hurts to know I hurt you. That was the last thing I wanted to do. I just hope that we will be able to work through this, and that you'll give me a second chance."
"I-I'm not sure. I need some time to think and figure out what just happened."
You opened the door. "Harrison can I talk to you?"
"Yeah of course."
He walked out and saw Tom. "I'll be in the car mate."
Harrison nodded and Tom left. You looked at him.
"Why didn't you tell me? Your one of my best friends and this is literally one of the biggest things ever but you didn't tell me?"
"I know I feel so awful. I was thinking that if I didn't tell you that Tom and I would just forget and I for sure thought he was gonna tell you! I figured it wasn't my place to tell."
"Harrison, you hurt me too. I thought you would've done something. The fact that you didn't, I just..."
"I know it's okay. I deserve what I'm getting. Tom and I will give you as much space as you need."
"Y/N, we both hurt you big time didn't we?"
"You did."
He nodded and put his head down as he left. You walked in the door and Lily automatically hugged you and you cried into her shoulder.
"I'm so sorry this happened."
"It's okay. Look, I'm just another fan that happened to get lucky to date him. But at the end of the day, things just don't work out for me."
"They will, trust me."
You smiled and after a couple hours Matt and Lily had to leave. You went to bed but just laid there looking at your photos and videos of you and Tom. You put in your earbuds and listened to Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood.
You smiled but you also felt a tear roll down your cheek. That was yours and Tom's song. At that moment you knew it.
You were broken.

Just Another Fan...
FanfictionY/N goes to an event, which happens to be to meet Tom Holland. You both notice each other. Will something happen? After all you are just another fan...