Tom ran outside to see you sitting on the step with Danny. He noticed you were crying and leaning on his shoulder. He was trying to think what could have happened to make you so upset. The look you gave him before you went outside made him feel uneasy. Emma had come out behind him, like usual.
You heard footsteps and you looked behind you to find Tom. You had tears in your eyes and he looked concerned. But it didn't matter, because he was the one who hurt you. That increased more when Emma saw what was going on, and grabbed Tom by his face. She looked at you, and then kissed him.
She kissed him. And he's not pushing her away.
That was the breaking point. You looked at Danny, the other guy you had some other feelings for, and made your decision.
"Um-Um... yes, I'll go out with you." you said. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Tom pull away and look at you, shocked.
"You will? Great! Ah that's amazing!" you both stood up and he hugged you. You grabbed him by the hand and led him inside, moving between Emma and Tom. At this point, you didn't want to look Tom in the eye because you knew you'd break down crying.
Tom stared after you and you heard his and Emma's conversation.
"So, Tom, can we get back together?" she said.
"Y-yes. We can get back together." he told her. She hugged him and he hugged her back.
You couldn't help it, tears were flowing down your cheeks.
It's ridiculous. He's a celebrity, I'm just another fan. I never had a chance. But, I have Danny now.
"Hey, guys... what's going on?" Harrison asked when he walked in to see you and Danny holding hands, and Tom and Emma holding hands.
"Y/N and I are dating." Danny said while you stayed quiet.
"And Tom and I got back together," Emma said, Tom also quiet.
"WHAT?" he spit out his water. You all gave him a confused look. "Sorry, I was just not expecting this."
"Well, half of us weren't either." Danny and Emma both laughed. Tom and you both had blank expressions on your faces. Harrison noticed both of you guys. That was the night both of you were hurt.
It's been a month since that night happened, and things had changed-yet stayed the same. You and Danny had developed more of a relationship and would always have date nights planned. Emma and Tom did the same thing. Sometimes you'd all meet up at the same place and that would be awkward.
But none the less, you guys were happy. Or so it seemed like it. Tom and you would speak occasionally. You's still joke, but it'd still hurt each other to see Emma or Danny walk in. You guys tried to push that away, for the sake of your friendship. You guy's hands still occasionally accidentally brush each others, and you would blush. But you reminded yourself's that you couldn't do that. You both were in a relationship and it wasn't fair to the other people.
You reminded yourself that no matter how much you didn't like Emma.
"Hey, Y/N, have you seen Sam?" Tom asked you one day while you were laying down.
"Nope, I haven't sorry. Is something wrong?"
"No, he usually just disappears once mum wants him to do the dishes." He laughed.
You laughed too. "That dork. I wouldn't blame him though. With eleven people in the house, it can sometimes be crazy."
"You have a very good point."

Just Another Fan...
FanfictionY/N goes to an event, which happens to be to meet Tom Holland. You both notice each other. Will something happen? After all you are just another fan...