The paramedics came and got you and Tom out of the car. Tom was trapped between the steering wheel and seat, and his leg was twisted. You were stuck upside down, while your arm and leg was twisted. The car was completely wrecked, and it was a miracle that you two were sill alive.
They loaded you and Tom up on stretchers, and put you two in the back of an ambulance. You were in the first one, and he was in the second one right behind you. You were conscience on and off. You felt every bump the ambulance went over, causing you to groan in pain. The paramedics gave you some medicine for the pain, but it didn't seem to be working. You tried to focus on one thing- Tom. You focused on him and thought he would be ok. It worked for a while until the pain became unbearable, and you passed out because of it.
Again you woke up, but not like before. They unloaded you and Tom, rushing you to open rooms. You could hear everything going on, yet you couldn't see anything. Everything was pitch black, and you didn't know why. Why could you hear everything but not see? It was as if it was a struggle to open your eyes.
You heard someone rush in and chase after the paramedics.
"Hey! Hey what happened to my friends?!"
You tried so hard to focus on the voice. It sounded very familiar.
"Sir, they got into a really bad car accident. They need to have surgery and get fixed up. Please if you-"
"Just please let me walk with her then? I see he's already in the elevator."
"Fine. Just don't get in the way."
The person ran up to your stretcher and held your hand. You gripped back, trying to figure out who it was.
"Y/N. Oh thank God you're alive. Look, it's gonna be okay. Okay?"
It hit you who it was- Harrison.
"I'm right here. Everything is gonna be okay. Just focus on me."
You nodded a little. You tried to open your eyes, but they wouldn't open. With all the strength you had, you forced your eyes open. You blinked a couple times to try and adjust. But they wouldn't.
"Haz, m-my eyes... I can't see anything..."
"Is it like pitch black?"
"No... I can see lights and silhouettes. I can see your silhouette... just not clearly..."
"Okay. It'll be alright. Just focus on my voice."
Again, the pain hit you, and you were loosening your grip on Harrison's hand. The paramedics told him he had to wait in the waiting room to see you and Tom. They took you to a back room and you heard all of them rushing around trying to find what they needed. You heard the doctor come in. Everything was blurry, and while you tried focusing them, you heard them talk.
"Poor things. They're so young and in a wreck this bad. The young boy's name is Tom Holland. My daughters love him."
You weakly smiled.
So do I.
"He's already prepped for surgery, once we get her prepped, we can begin."
You heard someone walk over to you. She put something in your IV, and you closed your eyes as you began to slowly drift away.
You slowly opened your eyes to find yourself in a room. There was no one in there besides you, and you tried remembering what happened. You tried sitting up, but you couldn't so you laid back down. You saw your leg was wrapped and propped. You groaned when you went to move it. Just then a nurse came in.

Just Another Fan...
FanfictionY/N goes to an event, which happens to be to meet Tom Holland. You both notice each other. Will something happen? After all you are just another fan...