Chapter 16

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(Y/N's POV)

Minx and I were waiting for the guys to come back. I knew something was gonna go down hill. I looked over at Minx. She was sleeping on my bed. We trained all day and she was pretty tired. I was just texting Danny.

"Hey Danny. I gotta tell you something important." I texted him.

"Shot." Danny replied.

"You know I'm in a gang and all but... Ever since my first day back here. All the guys have been treating me and Minx wrongly. They've never done this before so if I do have to can I stay at your place for a while." I texted.

"Well, I'm not to sure about that." Danny texted.

"Look it's only temporary. Plus I will make a deal with you. I'll babysit your siblings and do chores and shit. I just need a place other than my parents." I texted.

"Well if you say that I guess so. We have a spare room you could stay in and I'm sure my parents won't mind you staying." Danny said.

"Thanks I should go now." I texted.

I put my phone on the charger and waited for the guys to get home. Once I heard the door slammed open Minx jumped up from her sleep. I calmed her down before we went downstairs.

"So you girls are home?" Chilled said.

"Yeah, and we learned something while you were gone." I said.

Minx pulled out her phone and showed the guys what we saw before. When the video was over Minx put her phone back in her pocket. Some of the guys growled.

"Well, that doesn't matter." Chilled said.

Chilled charged at us hitting Minx but was blocked by me. He went fast trying to punch at me. Then out of nowhere the others joined in. I couldn't hold all of them off so I had to deal with their hits. But there was one attack I couldn't block. I was punched in the face. I flew back and hit the railing if the stairs. My back hit it so hard I was stunned for a few seconds. The guys just walked past me and up the stairs.

"(Y/N)! Are you ok?" Minx said as she ran up to me.

All I responded with was crying. I cried. I couldn't help but cry. I thought these guys were my friends. I thought they cared about me coming home. I didn't think they just wanted to beat me up. I heard the walking up the stairs stop for a few seconds then continue. When I finally did stop crying I got up.

"We are no longer staying here. Pack your bags we're leaving in one hour." I said.

I walked up the stairs and into my room. I packed my clothes into a bag. I couldn't take my weapons with me so I left them. I grabbed my laptop and chargers left my room. I could hear the guys were asleep by their snoring. Minx had her bags with her and had a bag for Shadow. I find my keys that were hidden. I take a piece of paper and write out a note to them.

"Dear Ass holes,
Since you decided to attack me and Minx we are leaving. Have fun with your new bitches. We'd love to see how this would end but sadly we're not. I can't believe I thought that you guys were still my family.


I left the note on the table and left with Shadow and Minx. I drove us to my parent's house first. When I got there my mom answered the door. All I told her that Minx and I were leaving Chilled's house for a long time and need her and dad to watch over Shadow. She agreed kinda and took him in. I then drove to Dlive's place to drop Minx off there. I told Dlive what really happened and he took Minx in. I then left to go to Danny's house. Danny and his parents greeted me at the doorstep.

"Hello (Y/N)! My you have gotten much taller such the last time I saw you." Danny's mother said.

"I know. Your probably wondering why I'm here. Well, my friends have been having trouble with rent so they asked me to move out for a while until rent goes done. So my parents are too far away to go and drive to so you were close enough so I can here." I said.

"Oh my that's horrible. Well, you can stay as long as you want as long as you take care of the children for me. I really do need a babysitter for them just I don't trust those ones online." Danny's mother said.

"I understand. Thank you so much." I said.

"Danny boy. Please lead (Y/N) to her room please." Danny's father said.

"Sure thing." Danny said.

Danny lead me to my room. He even stayed for a few minutes just to know what really happened. I told him and he understood. He left my room and I locked the door. I placed my bag down and went to sleep.

The Wings That Will Bring Them Home (Vanoss Crew x Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now