Chapter 17

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(Y/N's POV)

I woke to something breaking and then yelling. I sighed and got out of bed.

"Sounds like the kids are up," I said.

I got changed then walked out of my room. I walked down the hall and into the kitchen to see Danny's mother making breakfast. Once I stepped foot into the kitchen the kids went quiet. I smiled and sat down at the table.

"Oh (Y/N) you're awake." Danny's mom said.

"Yeah. I had a great sleep. So, what's for breakfast?" I said.

"Bacon and Eggs." Danny's mom said.

"Woah, who are you?" One of the girls that had brown hair said.

"Children don't be rude. That's your new baby sitter. Her name is (Y/N) and she promised to take care of you." Danny's mom said.

"Ok!" They all said.

Than like as if nothing happened they went back to running around. I sat at the table listening music on my phone. Danny came and sat down next to me. I talked to him while waiting for breakfast.

"So let me give you the lay down. All the kids have different behaviors. They all have different likes and dislikes and last of all they love to make noise." Danny said.

"Sounds like I'm up for a challenge." I said.

"Yup, so I'll tell you who's who in this house. So you see the girl sitting on the couch. That's Faith she loves nature but she's very shy." Danny said.

"That kid hanging upside-down on the couch is Ari

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"That kid hanging upside-down on the couch is Ari. He loves animals but isn't afraid of getting in your face." Danny said.

"Those were the twins

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"Those were the twins. Now we go to the triplets. The one in the white dress is Sage she loves and I mean loves flowers. You could leave her in a flowerbed and she would live their." Danny said.

"The little on with bow in her hair is Gemma

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"The little on with bow in her hair is Gemma. She loves cats and jewels but is very hard to keep an eye on." Danny said.

"And lastly there's Baxter he's one of a kind

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"And lastly there's Baxter he's one of a kind. Always getting hurt but loves to cook and bake." Danny said.

"Wow," I said

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"Wow," I said.

"Yup it's hard to remember them all but I'm sure you can get their names down like a snap of a finger." Danny said.

"I hope so. I don't know how long I'll be staying here." I said.

"Well, don't worry about it sweet heart. You can stay as long as you want. Plus if you do leave there's always a job you take right here. These kids love new people." Danny's mom said while placing breakfast on the table.

"Thank you." I said.

The kids ran over to the table and sat down. They started to eat breakfast. I did too and so did Danny. Once we finished breakfast the kid crowded around me.

"So Miss what's up?" Sage said.

"Uhh......nothing really." I said.

"What's your name?" Ari asked.

"(Y/N)." I said.

"Alright Miss (Y/N) welcome to our home. Baxter said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Alright (Y/N) we're gonna get going now. You take care of the kids the best you can. And if you need anything please call me my number is on the fridge." Danny's mom said.

Danny and his mom then left. I was now left with the kids. They all looked up at me.

"So what now?" Gemma asked.

*Time Skippy's Peanut Butter*

The kids were drawing while I finished up making lunch. The last few hours have been hell. These kids don't stop bothering you. I guess this will be my life from now on. Baxter came over to me with the stuff we need for Mac and Cheese.

"Thank you Baxter." I said.

"No problem." Baxter said.

Bacteria then walked away but tripped on his way out. I held in my laugh and continued to make lunch. Then I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and saw it was Chilled calling me. I frowned and declined the call. I wasn't gonna listen to a word he says. If he treats me like shit then I shouldn't listen to him. It's better off this way.

"(Y/N) is lunch ready?" Ari asked.

"Almost. Come over to the table all of you." I said.

They all came rushing in while I grabbed the bowls. I mixed the everything together then pour it out into bowls. I placed the food down and they dug in. These kids are actually pretty good. Maybe they can be friends with Lily. I might have to make plans for a play date or something. Oh while better get ready for my next challenge.

The Wings That Will Bring Them Home (Vanoss Crew x Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now