Chapter 8

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(Y/N's POV)

It was a bad idea to sleep in. We've only gotten through one fucking state. Fuck traffic this sucks so much.

"(Y/N) why is this so crowded." Lily asked.

Not really sure maybe it's a holiday or something." I said.

"What's a holiday?" Lily asked

"Child, didn't I explain this to you last year?" I said.

"I might have forgotten what you said," Lily said.

I looked at Lily with your kidding me face. I let out a sigh.

A holiday is a special tradition that people celebrate with their families and or friends. Or at least that's what I think it is. You know we'll be able to celebrate a holiday with our family when we get home." I said.

"R-really you think they'll celebrate a holiday with us," Lily said.

"I don't think so I know so," I said.

"Yay!" Lily cheered.

We sat in the truck for a long while. It was about noon and we hadn't gotten far. We made it to another state but still hitting traffic. I was getting worried that we wouldn't make it far before we have to stop for the night.

"This is getting boring and I finished every book in the back twice," Lily said and throw a book into the back of the truck.

"Child I don't have magic. This will get even more boring when your sitting in the trunk if the truck." I said.

Lily just groaned and slid down her seat till her feet hit the floor. Everything is moving so slowly. Now if I had a GPS that actually worked I could navigate around all this shit. But nope.

"Where's the adventure in this. I thought you said we would have fun." Lily said.

Then an idea came to mind maybe we could have an adventure. I managed to pull into one of the exits and start to drive.

"Maybe instead of drive for hours and getting nowhere how about we go out and have fun," I said.

"What do you mean by that?" Lily asked.

"You'll see," I said.

I drove the truck down the road looking for something to entertain Lily. Once I found the right place to go to Lily and I got out of the truck.

"What's this place?" Lily asked.

"It's a fun place now come on," I said.

I locked up the truck and took Lily inside. The place was trampoline park. I loved these when I was younger. The place was empty which means we pretty much have the place to ourselves.

"Woah what is this place?" Lily said.

"This is a trampoline park. You can jump around on trampolines and do crazy flips and everything." I said.

"That's awesome let's go!" Lily said.

We ran off to go jump on the trampolines. We really should have fun just to liven up our spirits. Lily seems to be having fun. I'm glad she is happy. I know if we're on the road we'll get more miles in but it's rush hour right now. The parkways are crowded and jam packed with cars. I think it would be much better to just stop and have some fun. Lily enjoys it and it gets her mind off the boring road.

"Hey (N/N) watch this!" Lily said.

Then Lily bounced on the trampoline and launched into the air. She did a double back flip and stuck the landing.

"Wow that was awesome Lily," I said.

"You thought so? Thanks!" Lily said.

"No problem," I said.

We jumped around some more and had tons of food. But now we're hungry better go get some food. We left the trampoline park and went out to go get food. The lunch rush should be over by now but just to be sure we'll just go get food then get on the road. We found a Pharmacy and walked in it. We bought a bag of chips to share then got back on the road. The drive was nice and calm we made it through a few more states and stoped for the night. Once we go a room at a Hotel I then realized we only have enough money for food. We must have spent too much money on stuff while driving. I can't go out and steal stuff so we'll have to leave late tomorrow just so that I can power through the night if I have to. I pray I don't have to do that. I open the door to the hotel room and see how small it is.

"Wow," I said.

"It's pretty small in here," Lily said.

"Yup now get to bed," I said, while closing the door.

"Hey (N/N) I've got a question," Lily said.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"Will Mom and Dad love me?" Lily asked.

"Why do you ask that?" I asked.

"Well...Mom and Dad sound like nice people...but I don't think they'll recognize me because I look older. Are you sure that they'll actually love me?" Lily said.

"Hey have you seen what I look like. I look different now then I did in the locket. But nothing manger has happened to me. Well other then my hand but I'm pretty sure that Mom and Dad will definitely you and I." I said.

"Are you sure?" Lily asked.

"I'm not sure I'm definite they'll recognize us," I said.

Lily smiled and gave me a hug. She then walked off to bed and I got on the couch and fell asleep.

The Wings That Will Bring Them Home (Vanoss Crew x Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now