jonah 🐻

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I sat on my bed while I was waiting for my boyfriend, Jonah to call me I had told him to call me when he had a second and he said that he was about to eat lunch with the guys and would call me after he got food. He is away on tour and I just found out that I'm pregnant, I didn't have the balls to tell him face to face but then again telling him on FaceTime would be face to face wouldn't it?

I was so scared on what he would say I've never wanted to get pregnant at this age I wanted to wait wayyyy longer to see if us being together and him growing in fame would change anything but I guess now Jonah will always be apart of my life.

Jonah 🐻 would like to FaceTime

"Hey baby" his face lit up as I answered the phone, "hey babygirl what's up your text got me a little worried " I saw him walk away from the boys while they got their food "no need to be that worried but um... I have sometime I want to tell you I just don't know how to tell you because I don't want you to be scared and run off" the boys sat down with him at the table and started to eat their food.

"What's wrong baby tell me" I took a deep breath, "you don't want to move away from the boys for a second?" His eyes went wide for a spilt second "Are you going to break up with me because I will fly down there and have a long list of reason why you shouldn't " I heard the boys let out a small laugh. 

"Yeah Jonah long list is going to make her want to stay with you dude" Daniel said through a small laugh "no baby I'm not going to break up with you it's something that's either going to make you love me more or something that's going to drive you away" he looked at me weird.

"Are you sick?" I shook my head as he nodded and looked so confused, "I'm 8 weeks pregnant "

Jonah's jaw hit the table and it was dead quite expect for the back ground noise in the shop, I didn't know if I should say anything else or what so I hung up and I started to cry. Maybe that was a bad idea telling him, now he is going to hate me and I don't know what I'm going to do about it.

Jonah's pov:
"I'm 8 weeks pregnant "

Oh my god I'm a dead man... her mother is going to kill me, my parents are going to kill me

But it's a baby with the love of my life

I went to say something but she hung up... oh what the hell why couldn't have I just told her after that I love her and that I'm buying a ticket to see her tomorrow if I can.

"Oh dude wow" jack said as he patted my shoulder, "what are you going to do" corbyn looked to me "what I should be doing, I'm getting on a plane and I'm going to go visit my girl and my soon to be kid. I'll be back before we need to start working I swear" I went on my phone to look for tickets as me and the boys finished eating.

I paid for my ticket and started packing, "when do you leave?" I turned to see Zach and jack standing in my doorway "midnight" they nodded their head as I went into the bathroom and packed my tooth brush, and everything I needed from their. "You know you need to text her to see if everything is even okay between you two" Daniel said as he handed me my phone.

"I know I do but I kinda want to surprise her, and I don't want to talk about everything over a text message or a phone call" I said taking my phone and unlocking it to see no text messages or phone calls, "text her and tell her you want this baby, that you want to raise it and that you too need to talk more about it when you get home then your still surprising her tonight by showing up at her house " jack said as he folded my unfolded shirts.

You do want that baby right?" Corbyn looked at me as all the boys did, "how could I not want this baby it's with the love of my life I was just so shocked and worried this morning that she wouldn't want it or that she didn't want to still be with me after I said that I would want it. " the boys all nodded their heads.

Y/n🍑: I'm sorry Jonah, I love you and I understand if you don't want it but it would mean a lot if you would have just told me that instead of not talking to me all day

Jonah🐻: I love you, I want this baby and I want you more then anything in the world please y/n don't leave me. Don't walk away from what could be forever, I never wanted you to feel like I was walking away I just didn't know what to say when you told me.

Y/n: thank you... I find out the gender in two weeks do you think you could make it down?

Jonah: I'll try my hardest but baby I have to do something for like two in a half hours I'll call you later, I love you and we are not don't talking about this Okay..

Y/n: okay I love you too bye

I sat down on my seat and plugged in my music, I guess I should text her mother and tell her I'm in town to see her daughter...

Jonah: hey y/m/n I wanted to tell you that I'm going to be visiting y/n for a few weeks and that I might take her on tour with me if it get approved, are you and y/sf/n okay with that ?

Y/mothers/n: for sure, y/stepfather/name wouldn't mind that at all and you know you don't have to ask us if you can see her you two share an apartment together. Hopefully we will be seeing you two over for dinner while you guys are down?

Jonah: yeah hopefully, we have a lot to catch up on for sure... and right I was just telling you Incase y/n was over their and not at the apartment

Y/m/n: oh please y/n got out of here as quick as she could but thank you for telling me I'll see you two hopefully very soon 🙂

Jonah: yes ma'am

Okay.... so she didn't tell her mom or stepdad

As the plane landed I walked off to the baggage clams and got my suite case, I don't think I've seen the apartment after y/n refurnished it. I got a Uber and gave them the address, I saw the front of the building and I got nervous.

I step out of the car and grabbed my stuff and hit the FaceTime button on y/n's contact name and waited for her to pop up, "oh hey baby" I smiled and waved

"Hey can you go to the front door I have a surprise for you" I slowly and quietly walked to the front of the door, "yeah" she opened the door and as she saw me jumped into my arms.

"Hey baby I've missed you" I said into her neck as she wrapped her legs around my waist, "I love you Jonah but you didn't need to come all the way out here for this "  I set her on the ground as we walked in and I set my stuff on our bed.

"I love you too and of course I needed to come down here, who else is here to tell you and work stuff out with you?"

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