Daniel requested (insta)

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"Thank you for taking me out tonight dani" he smiled and me and kissed me "anything for my beautiful girlfriend" I smiled as our food came and we ate, we talked about all the things him and the guys did in the studio that day.

We talk about how at work my boss went and fried a bunch of people because they wanted to slack off for five minutes or about how we both missed each other so much that we couldn't want to come home to each other.

"I love you Jojo" I smiled as he kissed my cheek, he payed as we left, he took us to this park as we walked around for a while, just holding hands talking about our plans for the future, talking about how each of us is in each of our future.

We talked about what we would do if we were to break something in the apartment, or what would we do if we got pregnant, we talked about when we wanted kids and both agreed that it would be after we were married.

We talked about when we would think about getting married, we also talked about how it's going to suck not seeing each other every night or lay in the same bed as each other every night when he goes on tour.

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