The talk-Zach

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Zach and I sat in his bed, I was waiting for him to wake up so I could go pee not thinking it would've any time soon I moved around a little trying to hold it in my best "baby quite moving I'm trying to hold you" I kissed his head "I'm trying I have to pee really bad" he let go of me as I took off for the bathroom and did my business.

When I walked out I saw Zach and the rest of the boys all up and in the room I walked back in the bathroom before stepping out "babe why didn't you tell me the guys where in here?" I was only wear one of my hoodies and underwear which there was no room for imagination when wearing "I don't know why?"

I rolled my eyes "can you get me my sweats " he stood up and got me what I asked for as I walk out and i slapped his cheats "I didn't change from last night" I whispered in his ear as his eyes went wide. "What's up guys what do you need?" Zach turned to the boys as it was like the first time he saw them in the room.

"We all need to talk to you" I sat back down on the bed grabbing my phone as Daniel turned to me, "y/n and you" I shoot my head up. I didn't do anything, at least I don't remember doing anything " don't worry Your not in trouble it's just I was in the bathroom the other day and I found these" Jonah pulled out the condoms Zach bought "and we thought since you guys are both 16 ,Zach you've been out of your house since you were 15 and y/n well we are all convinced that your mom and dad haven't had sex since they've had you"

I laughed at that as they all looked at me, " we thought it would be smart to give you guys the talk" I was so uncomfortable and I knew Zach was because he held my hand tighter "look this isn't happening" Zach said as he went to shove the boys out of the room but they stopped him. "We are having this talk or we are call momma Herron and she can have this talk with y'all "

He stopped dead in his tracks as he know his moms opinion on us having sex "fine but haven't you thought of us already thinking it threw, knowing we both are not looking forward to a baby yet and we were both each other's first so we don't have any STD's or STI's " they all turned to me and looked at me.

"Your on birth control?" I nodded my head as Zach sat back down "since I turned 14, my dad set me up on it for my period and went I got a refill asked if I needed to up my dose if I wanted to have sex and she said no" they looked at me shocked as they turned back to Zach

"Okay well Zach you know that sex isn't just about your needs it's should also be about y/n's needs and you can't force her to have sex because you want to, it's something you both want to do and you shouldn't force it. "  I held back my laugh as Zach face got super red "look I know how to please my girl and she loves it plus I know better to force her and it's not like we are having sex everyday just when we both feel like it or whenever we feel it is the right time too"

"What happens if she gets pregnant?" Daniel asked turning to us, " then you guys are going to have to accept that their will be a baby living here till we can get our own place" me and Zach have never actually talked about that and makes me happy because I don't know what I would do to Zach if he told me to kill it.

"Okay well I guess since you guys are already being safe and you know what to do if you face a problem we don't need to have this conversation " Zach nodded his head at jack who I have to say also looked uncomfortable the whole time, "this doesn't give y'all the right to fuck all the time thought " I let out a small laugh at Jonah comment.

"Don't worry whenever we do, do it you guys never hear us" Zach said as he shut the door behind the guys and pulled me into a kiss, "that was so embarrassing " my face was the reddest it has even been "you look so cute blushing " I smiled into his chest as we laid back down and he fell asleep in my arms.

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