Finally- daniel

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I sat upstairs waiting for my boyfriend to get home, after everything we've tried I'm finally pregnant "Baby I'm home" I ran downstairs and jumped into his arms. "Baby I wasn't gone that long" I laughed as we sat down on he couch and he cuddled me "wanna try for a baby again" he said smirking I laughed as I sat on his lap, "is my dan boy horny " I rolled my hips as he let out a small moan.

"Fuck babygirl" I kissed down his neck and undid his belt pulling his pants and underwear down, I kissed his tip as he threw his head back and moaned. I bobbed my head as Daniel moved my head on his pleasure, I licked from the base of his dick to the tip slowly taking him back in my mouth.

I removed my mouth and jerked him off as he twitched and came, "That's all we can do right now" he looked at me weird as I got up and sat beside. He pulled up his pants, "I don't understand why you still want to have kid with me right" I laughed as I kissed him.

"Well yes, anyway I made dinner let's go eat" he nodded his head getting up and walking on the dinner table, we sat down and ate a normal meal. "One more thing" he looked at me weird as I walked into the kitchen and got a cake that said "guess what?" And I got the ultrasound picture and pregnancy test.

I sat the cake down in front of him as he looked at me weird, "baby what is going on" I handed him the pregnancy test as he shot up and kissed me "Are we?" I nodded my head as I handed him the ultrasound picture and he started crying. "No shh baby don't cry there's one more thing" he looked up to me and brought me into a kiss.

"Cut the cat open and see what color it is, to see if we are having a boy or a girl" he ran and got a knife out of the kitchen, he cut a small piece off and started laughing as he pulled out blue cake and hugged me.

"Baby we are finally having a baby boy" he threw his hands up as he grabbed his phone, "what are you doing" I laughed as he grabbed the test and picture "I want to remember this and be able to tell this little guy in here that this was the day you told me we were having him, the happiest day of my life" I smiled as the snapped a picture of me with all the things.

"We have to tell the boys, and our parents oh my mom mom is going to be so excited " I laughed as I slowed him down, "you text your parents and the guys I'll text my parents and y/bf/n okay" he nodded his head as I ran upstairs to get my phone.

Y/n: hey could you guys come by the house, dani and I wanna talk? 

Mom: sure can, give 15

Dad: 10 if I can rush your mom out of here fast enough.

Y/n: love you

Y/n: hey get you ass over here I wanna talk to you

Y/bf/n: be then in 15

Y/n: perfect.

Daniel: hey mom could you grab dad and come over to y/n's and I's house please

Mom: I sure can, be there soon

Daniel: yo I need all of you guys over at my house in 15 minuets, I got some things we need to talk about

Jonah: Okay, let me tell y/bf/n I can't make it to our date tonight

Zach: you need to tell y/n you two are going out, and my mom has my car so one you guys need to come get me.

Jack: one I'll get you it on the way, two why does your mom have your car

Zach: here broke down

Corbyn: can Christina come or...

Daniel: I was just about to say you can bring her totally

Jack: why in such a good mood, you where in such a bad one when you left the studio and hour ago

Zach: he probably got laid

Jack:true and Zach hurry up I'm outside

Daniel: just walked into the house when you guys get here

I walked downstairs as Dani and i's parents walked in, we put everything up so nobody would see "hey guys we saw each other in the driveway " I laughed as we all gave hugs and sat down on the couch.

"Is everything okay?" I laughed as I was about to speak as the guys and y/bf/n bust through the door, "we are here" I rolled my eyes as I told them to sit and went to grab the cake.

I put the cake down on the table and stood by Daniel "you two are getting married" jack hit Zach shoulder "y/n said she wasn't going to get married idiot " Zach went wide eyed and i laughed. Everybody sat there dumbfounded as I placed down the pregnancy test away from the cake but also on the table.

They all looked at us wide eyed as my mom was the first to jump up then Daniels mom, and y/bf/n "for real" I nodded as I laid down the ultrasound picture. They all laughed and cheered as they hugged us and sat back down, "holy crap Daniel actually did it" we all laughed at corbyns joke as Christina hit his shoulder "also one more thing, somebody cut the cake and tell me what gender my baby is please"

My mom and Daniels mom stood up, "we'll do it " I handed them the knife as they slowly cut into it a pulled out a blue piece of cake, "oh thank god I'm having a grandson " I laughed as my dad jumped up from his seat.

"I'm having a baby boy"

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