Daniel request (jazz)

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" I can't fucking believe you right now, honestly leave Daniel get out of my face" I said as I threw my hand up in the air , "no baby you have to believe me it wasn't what it looked like at all I swear" I rolled my eyes "don't fucking call me baby after you cheated on me Daniel, fuck you".

I grabbed my bag as I ran out of his house, "no jazz Wait you don't understand" I got in my car as I left. When I pulled up at a park I cried my eyes out, why would he do that to me, why cheat on somebody that means so much to you or that you claim to mean so much to.

It's been six months and my friends were forcing me to go to a party to get my mind off of Daniel, but I loved him and I didn't want to give him up. I didn't want to go into another relationship, I didn't want to do everything we planned on doing alone.

As we walked into this house and strong smell of weed hit my nose, "I can't" I said holding my nose closed.  My friend rolled their eyes "just have fun and let loose tonight but not too much" I laughed as I got a beer as I looked up I saw the one person I never thought I would see every again.

I quickly turned around before he saw me "Daniels here" I said as I looked at my friend, they looked around for him their eyes finally finding him "what the hell, I didn't know he partied" I rolled my eyes.

"We can leave" I shook my head as I drank my beer "let him see what he is missing" I said as I turned back around and I knew he saw me when I could feel all the others boy eyes on me.

"Hello pretty lady" I smiled at this random guy "hey handsome" I said back "I would ask for a dance but that guy over there looks a little scary" I laughed "I have no clue who that is" he laughed.

"Well I would love to dance" he got cut off by a girl walking over to him "sorry but he's taken" I put my hands up in surrender "he walked over to me" I turned to my friends as they started laughing.

"I gotta pee" they nodded as I started walking to the bathroom, "since when do you party" I rolled my eyes as I heard his voice "since when do you cheat" he nodded "you never let me explain, I miss you jazz. A lot actually and I can't get over how beautiful you look tonight" rolled my eyes as he grabbed my hand and I took it back.

"Daniel you cheated, running back to you so you could cheat again is up against everything I've ever said I wouldn't do" he rolled his eyes "I swear if you just let me talk and tell you what happen I didn't cheat" I rolled my eyes.

"Fine talk" he nodded "Candice was sitting beside me and heard you walk in so she kissed me and I pushed her off, you thought I was pushing her off because you walked in when I was really pushing her off because she wasn't you".

"How do I know your not lying" he rolled his eyes as he kissed me, "because deep down you know the real me and you wouldn't have let me kiss you if you thought I was lying".

"I can't just walk back to you Daniel" he shook his head "I'll do whatever it takes to get you back Jazz".

2 years later
"I now pronounce you Daniel seavey and jazz y/l/n husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" he smiled as he kissed me and that began the rest of our life.

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