Shirley's POV
The bell already rang and I couldnt see Chris anywhere so I thought that he's still in the nurses office with Beatrice, ugh she really has the nerve to come with Chris and THEY'RE BOTH HOLDING HANDS..I cant get that thought out of my head so I decided to be excused to the comfort room. While I was walking, I saw, them. Just the two of them, in the hallway, talking. I decided to leave until their faces got closer and kissed.
I was completely shocked. Speechless to know that the boy that I like kissed my friend. It was heartbreaking but I did not show it, I immediately went to the comfort room and cried softly in one of the stalls, I was sad and angry. I knew that I had to get him back even if it takes hurting my friend. I. WILL. GET. HIM. BACK.!!
Beatrice's POV
I was in a cheerful mood today because of what happened earlier. Alice was wondering where I have been and I told her everything."Woah, really?!" She asked. "Mhmm, we're together now hahaha." I said. "But what will you say to your mom?" She asked.
I completely forgot about what I promised, oh my goshh. I was panicking inside. So I calmed down and decided to tell her the truth.
"I will... tell her the.... truth. Its for the best." I said. "Yeah, that is the best choice or just don't talk about it hahaha jokee." She said.
After our talk, we were about to walk home together until I heard someone yell my name.
"Beatrice!! Wait up!!!" A voice from a distance yelled
I turned around to see who it was and to my surprise, it was Chris.
"Oh hey Chris, we were just about to head home, u wanna come?" I said. "Oh sure!! By the way, hi Alice, didn't see you there. Hehe." He said as he rubbed his neck. "Hahaha it's okay, anyway let's head on home." Alice said then we walked.
We were almost at Alice's house. Alice was in front of us while Chris and I are behind. While we were walking, I felt someone hold my hand, I checked to see who it was then I followed the arm to Chris......Chris and I are holding hands!!! Oh my god!! I felt happy and leaned on him a little bit.
"What are you two doing?" Alice suddenly asked without turning around. "Uh nothing!" Chris and I said in unison. "Hahah don't play dumb on me. It's okay, you two lovebirds do whatever you want." She said then Chris and I laughed.
We walked just a little bit further then we reached Alice's house.
"Anyway guys, this is my stop. You two get home safely okay?" Alice said. "Okay! See you tomorrow Alice." I said. "Yeah, see you tomorrow, bye!" She said then she went inside.
Hey guys, I'm back again and I'm really really really extremely sorry that I just came back now. To be honest, I was lazy and I kinda ran out of ideas but I have some ideas now and I'm ready to continue my story.
If you liked this chapter, like, comment and vote!! I Love you guys very much!!!

you and I
RomanceBeatrice was once a girl with a normal life, normal friends and all but her life changed when he met this young boy named Chris that seemed interesting to Beatrice. and he changed her life forever. But every relationship has a competition. so let us...