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The date Michael and I had the other night was by far the date that meant the most to me. Michael always went above and beyond in everything he did and despite me loving every date he's set up, the night at the warehouse will always be #1 on my list because of how he made me feel. He showed me that he always listened to me and paid attention on how much I cared for and missed my dad. That was so sweet of him.

He was expecting a little "reward" afterwards but I was too tired and wasn't in the mood. He completely underestood and dropped me home.

Today, Michael invited us to Hayvenhurst where his whole family was gathering for his mother's birthday. I'm a little nervous to be quite honest. Though I've already met his parents, brothers and sisters, I haven't been in a setting where they were all there at once. I mean, every single one of his family memebers will be there. Nephews, nieces, cousins, his ants and uncles and all his other immediate family.

And he's told me that his family is HUGE.

Michael texted me earlier and told me to make sure that we came on time. To be there at 2:00 p.m on the dot.

Now, it was already 1:22 p.m and it takes about 30 minutes to get to Michael's house if there's no traffic. Anyone from LA knows that traffic here is the worst of them all.

Trevor, Lauren and I were already dressed and ready to go but impatiently waiting for Shad's conceited ass to hurry up and get down so we don't get there late.

"Trev, can you please go drag Shad from his room and bring him down here, please?" I asked with a calm but annoyed tone. "Lauren and I will be in the car so make sure you guys are out the house in 60 seconds or I'm leaving."

After Lauren and I sat in the car for about two minutes, Shad and Trevor finally came out and we were on our way to Hayvenhurst.

"I swear you're so fuckin' extra bro." Trevor said in a hostile tone towards Shad. "You took ten years to get ready and just to put on 500 chains and look ghetto as fuck, like you're about to be in a music video or some shit."

Shad sucked his teeth. "I only got two chains on bruh, stop exaggerating. I gotta make sure I look good. Especially hearing that Michael got a niece my age who's cute as fuck."

I cut my eyes at Shad through the rearview mirror. "First of all, you're not going to embarrass me at these poeple's family function. None of you will." I emphasized.

Lauren looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Girl, you don't have to worry about me acting a fool. Them, on the other hand," she pointed towards Trevor and Shad in the back seat, "we might as well stop by Target and buy them leashes cause you know damn well they don't know how to act when they see the opposite sex."

"Man, quit talking nonsence." Trevor sighed. "I got a girl and I'm nothing but a loyal and kindhearted sweetheart."

Me and Lauren looked at each other for a brief second and almost simultaneously, Shad, Lauren and I started laughing hysterically.

"Boy, who you lying to?" I giggled.

"What you mean?" Trevor chuckled.

"You know damn well, you're the worst at keeping your dick in your pants. Whoever this "girl" of yours is, I just hope she knows that her nigga is being shared with all the other hoes of LA." Lauren laughed.

"Mmhm," I agreed while eyeing Trevor through the rearview mirror. "and you better keep your ding-a-ling under control at the Jackson's too. I'll cut it off myself. Don't have me looking bad in front of my man's family."

Trevor raised his hands in defense. "Hey, don't worry bout me sis. I got you."


We arrived at Hayvenhurst at 2:12 and as soon as we got there, we were greeted by lots of the Jackson family but Michael was nowhere in sight yet. I sent him a text to tell him that we were there but he didn't text me back. I even asked Janet and Randy if they knew where Michael was and they said they had no clue.

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