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Sasha's Point Of View

"She's 3 months pregnant!?" I asked the Dr. in shock. "How? I mean, I kind of knew she was pregnant but 3 months? She's not showing at all!"

"Well, it's actually quite common for some women to not really show physical changes in their first trimester." Dr. Robinson stated. "Also, like Dr. Shepherd and I just informed you, she has sickle cell anemia and we're running more tests to determine if this was the leading factor in her losing consciousness." I looked at my little sister on the hospital bed hooked up to all these monitors and I felt my eyes begin to well up with tears as the doctor continued. "We've ordered a blood transfusion for her and we're just waiting for that but until then, I ask that you guys please be patient with us while we run more tests."

I sighed, not knowing what to feel and how to feel it. I'm not sure if I should be scared or not. "I truly appreciate it," I shook her hand. "and I'm sorry about getting loud earlier."

"That's no problem, Ms. Campbell." She smiled. "I understand."

Dr. Shepherd came back in the room and we spent a few more minutes talking about Lauren's state and how high-risk her pregnancy is.

After that conversation concluded, I left Lauren's room and joined Shad and Trevor in this waiting area. They were both knocked out cold.

"You guys should go home." I told them as they tried to rub the sleep from their faces. "I'll stay here."

Trevor got up from his seat and did an exaggerated stretch. "Say less, cause your boy is hungry as fuck."

"You should've—" I'm cut off by the loud ringing of my phone.

"Hey, baby," I put Michael on speaker phone. "you're on speaker."

Michael: "Why would you put me—"

"Yo, Mike! What's up, bruh?" Shad interjected.

"Babe, don't worry, it's just us three in this little private waiting room." I told him.

Michael: "If you say so. Hey, Shad. Hey, Trev. How are you guys?"

"Chillin." They both responded simultaneously.

Michael: "How's she doing, Sash?"

"She's stable but status still the same. We're just hoping she wakes up soon." I said, feeling emotional just thinking about her. "What time is it over there?" I changed the subject. "It's almost 2:00 a.m over here."

Michael: "It's 10:54 in the morning."

"Oh, so it's a 9 hour—"

Michael: "Look, I called to see how Lauren was. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later."

My face contorted at the phone. If only he saw my reaction from him cutting me off. Even Shad and Trevor noticed and they both hit me with the peace sign and left.

"Why the fuck do you sound like you have an attitude?" He sighed heavily, sounding irritated. "And I've noticed it since the start of the call." I said.

Michael: "Take me off speaker."

"There's no one here but me, Michael. My brothers left."

Michael: "Now, Sasha."

I shook my head and did as I was told. "I did! You happy? Why are—"

Michael: "You had me on speaker phone and you thought it was ok to talk to me the way you just did?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, confused at Michael's tone. "Michael, did something happen? Why are you so hostile? I didn't even do anything."

Michael: "And even if I weren't on speaker, you know better than to disrespect me."

I'm now officially over it. "Michael, babe, I don't know what's going on with you but you can go ahead and call me back when you're not bitchy and hormonal. I'm already stressed as it is."  I hung up the phone before he could say anything else.

If something was wrong with him, he could've just told me and that would've been that; but for him to use me as his punching bag to let out  frustrations that have nothing to do with me is wrong. Especially with what's going on with Lauren right now.

Michael's Point Of View

Did she seriously just hang up on me? I made an attempt to call her back but immediately just hung up and decided to just leave her be. I hated when we had fallouts like that. I really just hate confrontation point blank period. I usually have someone else deal with it for me or just shut myself out completely until the situation blows itself over. But for some reason, all the built in rage and frustration I've held on over the years, have all been coming out and I've aimed it all towards Sasha. I know it's wrong but I find it so easy to just release it all on her.

I'm actually glad she hung up on me. She sure won't be getting a call back from me unless it's an emergency. I'll just call Shad or Trevor to ask about Lauren.

The fallout between Sasha and I gives me the chance to catch up with Elise. All these fond memories of her and I, played over and over in my head. That FaceTime call really ignited old feelings I had for her. They came back like a flood and I know once I see her after my show tonight, it'll spark way more in me than anything else.

I love Sasha but she isn't here right now. This is the perfect time to explore what Elise and I could've had.

It's crazy how I'm more excited to see Elise after the show than the actual show itself. I've had many women in my life that's come and gone but there's only two that give me this feeling that I can't even describe and Sasha and Elise are those two women.

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