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Michael's Point Of View

Now, it's a huge rarity whenever I drive. I can probably count on both hands of how many times I've driven on my own since I've been on this earth.

Today was one of those days.

Now, I have no idea how fast Elise was driving but I know I wouldn't be able to keep up with her regardless, especially at the speed I was driving.

Anyway, I managed to get to her mother's house in thirty-six minutes. Not bad for a forty-five minute commute.

I knocked on the door several times but no one answered. That was weird to me because Elise's BMW was parked in the driveway. I went around the back of the house so I could peak through the windows. I banged on the back doors and still no one was answering, so I went back to the front of the house and decided to call her phone.

Elise: "Hello?"

I felt a rush of relief when she picked up. "Goodness, Elise! Do you not hear me banging on the doors like a madman? What the hell is going on?"

Elise: "Were you really? I didn't hear anything. Hold on."

She hung up the phone before I could say anything. I shook my head, confused as ever.

Few seconds later, I hear the wiggling of the door locks before the door opened.
Elise stood there looking normal. Too normal to where she was smiling.

What the fuck?

"Hey, Mike, sorry I—"

"Elise, what the heck is going on? Why'd you leave like that?" I stepped up closer to her.

"Just some family issues."

I gave her the side-eye. "Family issues?"

"Yeah," she chuckled, "I can't really speak on it right now but I'm handling the situation."

"Oookayy. . ." I couldn't tell if she were lying or not. "But the way you reacted back at Sasha's house. . ."

"I know, I know." She sighed. "Just some things that's been going on in my family for a very long time. I got really emotional."

Well, she is pregnant and I know how pregnant women could be overly emotional.

"Well, as long as you're ok." I half smiled. "Let me come in and say hi to your mom."

"Umm, we're actually packing right now. We got a plane to catch in a few hours." She stepped outside and closed the door behind her. "We have some things to go handle in the Dominican Republic."

"What?" I was caught by surprise. "How long are you going to be there?"

"Just a few weeks, hopefully."

I didn't really know what to say to that. "Well, I hope whatever is going on over there, you guys resolve it. Just please don't stress yourself too much. That's my baby you're carrying."

"And it's my baby too, Michael." She said kind of annoyed. "Look, I kind of need to go pack so. . ."

"Yeah, of cour—wait. . ." I narrowed my eyes and inched closer to her, pushing her hair behind her ear with my fingers. "What the hell happened to your face?"

She automatically got nervous. It's like she didn't expect me to see the big ass hand mark on her left cheek.

"Elise, there's a big bruise in the shape of a hand on your face. You didn't have that at Sa—"

"It's nothing." She lightly pushed my hand away.

I was now getting suspicious of this whole situation. The way her body language was and how she didn't want me to go inside the house, was all giving me an uneasy feeling.

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