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Sasha's Point Of View

My phone lit up and it showed exactly 12:34am on the screen. I turned my head towards Michael and just watched him stare at the stars above us.

I couldn't believe that a few hours ago I actually married this man in my backyard. If someone had told me that this would happen today, I'd say there was no way.

After the festivities concluded, I breast fed the baby then ran away back to the backyard with Michael. He lit up the in-ground fire pit and we laid on warm comforters on the grass and just talked for the whole night.

"Do you want to sleep out here?" Michael asked, keeping his gaze up at the stars.

"Why would I want to sleep outside?" I chuckled. "I can't be away from Phoenixx for too long."

"He's with Lauren. He'll be fine." He turned and laid on his side and propped his head up by his elbow. "Can I be honest with you?"

"That's all I want from you," I laid on my side as well, looking directly into his eyes.

"I didn't think you'd say yes when I proposed. I was actually very scared."

"What would've happened if I said no?"

"I'd just keep asking till you'd say yes," he smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear.

I couldn't explain the feelings that Michael gave me. Just looking at him made my heart flutter. He had become like my source of life. Something I just wouldn't be able to live without. Sort of like oxygen.

I needed him and wanted him, and loved him so fucking bad that it hurts sometimes. Not a bad hurt, but a good hurt. A type of love that's too overbearing. If you haven't experienced this type of love, you wouldn't understand.

"I love you so much," I said, lost in his eyes.

He just smiled and didn't say anything back for a minute. It's like our souls were speaking to each other through our eyes. There was this celestial peace between us.

"This here," he finally spoke, "feels better than sex. Just being here with you, sharing this intimate moment, feels like the best thing in the world."

"So. . . does this count as the consummation of our marriage?" I joked.

"Hell no," he pulled me on top of him, making me shriek in laughter. Thankfully I had a lot of acreage and we were pretty far back from the house. If not, I would've woken everyone up.

"No?" I laughed and pushed myself off of him. "It doesn't count? What happened to this being better than sex?"

"Now you're using my romance against me?" He hovered over me. "Consummating a marriage means having sexual intercourse. You can't just change the laws of the universe like that."

"So, that's why you hurried up and married me," I smirked. "You want this pussy so bad."

"Well, when you say it like that, hell yeah," he licked his lips as he stared at mine. "I married you because I couldn't wait to call you my wife. The sex is just a bonus."

"Well, are you going to take your bonus?" I licked my lips as well, "Or are you just going to look at my lips all night?"

He looked at me sort of surprised, almost like he wasn't expecting all of this bold energy from me. "Out here?" He gave me a mischievous grin. "I mean, I'm not complaining. I'll make sweet love to you under these covers," he placed a soft kiss on my lips, "under these stars," then another kiss, "under this moonlight," then another. The last kiss was so lustful and passionate, it was enough to make me wetter than a rainy day at Niagara Falls.

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