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Jermaine's Point Of View

"What the fuck do you mean, Michael is suspicious of you?" I yelled at Aaron. "What did you do?"

"I don't know, he just seemed really off with me after  I gave him the number." Aaron said.

I rolled my eyes out of frustration. "What are you talking about? What number?"

"He asked for the number of my second phone and I gave—" he threw his head back and smacked his forehead, "fuuuck!"

I automatically knew he made the stupid mistake of giving Michael the number of the phone he's been doing all of my dirty work in. Despite of me telling Aaron several times to buy a prepaid phone and not use any of his cellular devises, he ignored me and did the opposite. I know Michael and I know how he has a photographic memory and how calculated he is.

I swear I wanted to reach across the backseat and slap the shit out of him. For as long as he's been working for me, I know there's no way he could be this dumb. "Are you kidding me right now, Aaron?"

"Boss, I wasn't thinking."

"Yeah, clearly that's a no brainer you dumb ass!" I was fuming. "Now because of your stubbornness, he's going to get more curious and figure us out."

"I mean, maybe it'll slip his mind since you know, you sold that story of Elise to the press." he said.

"Aaron," I sighed, "I didn't give them Elise's name yet. I'm giving everyone something to hold and go crazy about now then when the media can't take the suspense anymore, I'll give her name. I'll make at least six figures for sure and not to mention I have a recording of her telling her mother she got pregnant by Mike."

"Wait, how did—"

"I hacked her grandmother's camera system and gained access to it on my phone. I see and hear everything going on in there." I chuckled. "That footage will have both of us set for sure."

"You crazy motherfucker." Aaron laughed but my face turned stern as stone. "I'm sorry," his smile vanished in a flash.

"You don't even deserve a cut of this money because of that stupid shit you pulled. You better pray Michael doesn't find out." I warned. "Now I need you  to do something for me."

"Sure, what is it?"

I reached across the console and grabbed a brown paper bag from the glove department. Inside the bag are four bottles of painkillers. I handed the bag to Aaron, "I need you to find a way to get these inside of Michael's bathroom and take multiple photos of them on his sink." he opened the bag, pulled one of the bottles out and examined it. "Once you take the pictures, send them to me. As soon as I receive them, I want you to delete them from your phone immediately."

Aaron's demeanor changed and I could tell this was something he definitely didn't want to do. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "This is a little risky, Jermaine. No one, and I mean no one goes near Michael's bedroom. How do expect me to physically go in there, without getting caught, and enter his bathroom to photograph these on his sink?"

"You're being a little—"

"And Michael doesn't even use his real name on prescriptions. This is an overall bad idea." Aaron shook his head.

I rubbed my temples, trying to keep my composure. "Aaron, you have 24 hours to do this. You see how heartless I am towards my own brother; Now imagine what I'd do to someone who isn't family."

He took a deep sigh and hesitated with his response before he finally spoke. "I'll do it. I think he has something going on in the Bay Area tonight. I'll just come up with something and make it seem like I need to stay behind to watch the property or something."

His strategy brought a smile to my face. "That's what I like to hear. Now, remember to send me the pics as soon as you take them then delete them when I text you back."

"I got you."

"Good, now get the fuck out of my car." I turned around and started the car.

I needed Aaron to just do what I asked of him without him questioning everything. The frustration was only boiling more and more inside of me. It's my number one priority to ensure that Michael and his career fails. He's ruined everything I've loved and worked so hard for by pushing me back into the shadows while he shines brighter than the brightest of stars. That light is mine and Michael stole that from me. As long as I'm breathing on this earth, I will make sure I strip him of everything he's taken from me. No matter how far I have to go to do so.

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