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Michael's Point Of View

A lot happened yesterday but I didn't let it ruin mine or Sasha's mood. I tried my best to keep my mind off of what Dean told me but it was almost impossible.

Though Sasha agreed to stay with me for two weeks, I didn't feel like staying at my house anymore. I had a condo in New York City that I always loved staying in whenever I needed to get away to record an album. I somehow managed to convince Sasha to fly with me to New York and spend our two weeks there. She was hesitant because she was worried she'd miss spending Christmas with her family but I told her it wasn't a problem for me to fly them out here.

When we arrived last night, we didn't do much but watch a movie and go to sleep.

This morning, I woke up before sunrise and cooked breakfast for her. And I actually did pretty good.

I walked into the bedroom with the breakfast tray and placed it on the bed next to her.

She was sleeping like an angel and I debated whether if I should just let her sleep or wake her up so that I wouldn't feel alone.

"Hey," I placed a soft kiss on her forehead, "wake up." She moaned and placed her arm over her head. I moved her arm and planted more kisses all over her face. "I'm gonna keep kissing you until you wake up," I chuckled.

She smiled and slightly opened her eyes. "I actually won't mind if you do."

"You can't say stuff like that and not expect me to act on it," I attacked her with more kisses and she went into a fit of laughter, trying to fight me off.

After one last kiss, she noticed the food next to her. "Michael," she smiled, grabbing the tray, "you made me breakfast?"

"After several attempts, yes," I laughed.

"It looks delicious. Thank you." She took a bite of the omelet and I smiled, waiting for her reaction. Then she took another bite and looked at me. "Are you sure you made this? This tastes amazing."

"Call me chef Michael from now on."

She ate every bite that was on her plate and it made me feel so good that she enjoyed it. We spent almost an hour rambling on about the most random things you could think of until she decided to get up and shower.

"What did you want to do today?" She asked as she showered, steaming the heck out of the bathroom.

"I was hoping you'd tell me what you were in the mood for," I stared at her silhouette through the foggy glass. All I could do was wish I was in there with her.

"Well, I was in the mood for some spa relaxation but it's Christmas Eve and it's freezing outside. We could  just stay in and binge watch a show or something."

"I could give you the ultimate spa day," I smirked. "I'm sure you can vividly remember how magical these hands are."

She slid the door open and poked her head out just to give me a semi-dirty look. "Boy, bye."

"You know I'm telling the truth," I laughed.

We stayed quiet for a good minute before the shower turned off and she spoke again.

"What's your end goal, Michael?"

I was confused. "What do you mean?"

"Out of these couple weeks that I'm staying with you," the shower door opened and she stepped out wrapped in a towel, "what are you looking to gain from it?"

I looked at her still confused then I laughed. "Is that a serious question?"

"Seriously," she tilted her head.

I could tell she was about to get annoyed, her being pregnant and very sensitive, so I walked up to her. "My goal is to just make you happy these two weeks and show you how much I've changed." I took her hand, "Despite the bet, I didn't bring you here to sleep with you. Having sex with you isn't on my mind at all." She narrowed her eyes, making me smile. "I mean, of course it's on my mind but what I mean is that's not what was on my mind when I suggested for us to come here for two weeks. I want to bond with you and our unborn child."

She stared at me with her warm green eyes before walking past me. I watched as she grabbed a bottle of lotion from one of her bags and handed it to me. She sat down on the edge of the tub and lifted one of her legs up towards me. "It's a struggle trying to reach my legs. You mind helping me?"

I was more than happy to.

"You're ok being away from the twins for two weeks?" Sasha asked while I massaged the lotion on her legs.

"Oh, no," I scoffed. "I could never. They're actually on their way here."

"They are?" Her eyes widened a bit.

"Well, they're not coming right now, but they'll be here tonight with Janet," I grinned. "It'll be my first Christmas as a father."

She smiled but I could tell she had something on her mind that she didn't want to say. "That's exciting,"

"Is it?"

"Yeah," she nodded, "we'll be spending Christmas in New York City with our families." Her smile got wide, "I know you don't really celebrate it but I think we should spend the day decorating this place. Don't you still have the tree and the decorations from the year Elizabeth Taylor surprised you? I remember you saying you still had them."

"That was a few years back," I half-smiled. That day was one of the best days of my adult life. I missed my dear friend so much. "But yes, I do have everything in a storage not too far from here. I can have them brought here."

"This will be fun," she lightened.

After massaging her legs, she went ahead and got dressed while I contacted someone to get all the Christmas stuff from my storage to my penthouse.

I was so excited about the day ahead of us

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I was so excited about the day ahead of us. We'd blast music throughout the condo while we furnished it with Christmas decor.

We bonded like we never did before and this was just the first day. I was getting a small taste of what I dreamed having a family with Sasha would be like.
If everyday of these two weeks are like today or better, I'll need a lot of restraint from proposing to her.

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