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Sasha's Point Of View

|One Month later...|

"You feeling any better, Sash?" Kennedy walked in with a Chick-Fil-A bag and handed it to me on the couch.

"Yeah, I literally just threw up again but I think I should be good now." I pulled the food out of the bag. "Thanks for the food, Ken. I'm starving."

It's been a little bit over a month since my breakup with Michael and I can say truthfully that it's been the most miserable time I've ever experienced. I was taking this harder than the first time we broke up.
My family and Kennedy have been my backbone through it all and I honestly could not have gotten out of the depression I was in had it not been for their support.

Ever since Michael's tour ended and was back in L.A, he's made several attempts at trying to get in contact with me. He's sent handwritten letters through the mail, sent people to give me a singing telegram, sent dozens and dozens of flowers and balloons, I mean, he's done so much to get my attention and to try to get me to forgive him but I wouldn't budge. Don't think I ever will.

For the past couple of days, I've constantly been getting sick. Almost every morning since Sunday, I've been vomiting my guts out. And now that it was Wednesday and the cycle continued, I called Kennedy over and asked her if she could bring me to my doctor for a checkup. But not before she brought me some Chick-Fil-A cause lately I've been craving it like crazy.

"Gee," Kennedy sat down next to me on the couch as I devoured my spicy chicken deluxe sandwich. "it must feel so dead in here now that Shad and Lauren moved out."

"Yeah, it gets pretty boring at times." I sighed. "Not being able to hear Lauren argue with the boys or not hearing Shad constantly blast his music throughout the house is pretty depressing."

Two weeks ago, Lauren made a decision to move out and go live with her boyfriend in the Hollywood Hills area and Shad followed by getting his own apartment downtown, leaving just me and Trev in this big house. I was sad when they left but I was also happy for them. Especially for Lauren who's almost five months pregnant and needs to be with her man.

"Aww," Kennedy cooed. "at least you have Trevor still. He probably likes it better without Lauren and Shad anyways. Now he can do whatever he wants." She chuckled.

"He does." I laughed. "He's always bringing a whole bunch of friends over but I don't really mind it though. I actually— oh shit." I covered my mouth and sprinted to the nearest bathroom. Once I got in there, I hovered over the toilet and regurgitated every bite I took of the food I was eating. "Blaaaaaarrrrgghhh. . ." I hurled over and over into the toilet bowl as Kennedy held my hair up and rubbed my back.

"Yeah, we need to go to your doctor right now cause this is ridiculous." Kennedy said.

"Uugghh, I know." I felt weak all of a sudden. Like I didn't eat for days.


"Ms. Sasha Campbell." My doctor, Dr. Avery, walked in the room with a beaming smile and shook mine and Kennedy's hand. "Long time no see."

"I know, I know," I laughed. "but that's a good thing though."

"It is." He smiled. "So, what brings you into the clinic today?" He closed the door, grabbed a chair and sat right in front of me.

"Well. . ." I began to go into detail from the night I initially started feeling sick to 45 minutes ago where I threw up all my  delicious Chick-Fil-A.

He listened attentively and took notes on his notepad as I spoke. When I was done, he smiled and closed his notepad. He leaned in and looked deep in my eyes. "I'm going to go ahead and have one of the nurses get a blood sample from you and I'm going to need a urine sample from you as well but I'm going to be very honest with you, Ms. Campbell." he smiled. "Everything you just explained to me are all symptoms of pregnancy."

"Oh shit." Kennedy gasped.

I coughed, almost choking on my spit. "Excuse me? What do you mean by pregnancy?"

"Well, I've been working in this field for way too long and I get pregnant patients with these same symptoms you're experiencing all the time." He stood up from his chair.

I looked over at Kennedy who's eyes were bulged out of her sockets then I turned back to Dr. Avery. "Doc, with all due respect, I highly doubt I'm pregnant cause it's been over a month since I've been with anyone. There's no way." I giggled nervously.

"Ok, well I'll be back once the test results get back to me. Till then, just make yourself comfortable and a nurse should be in here in a few minutes to take your blood and have you pee in a cup." He walked out of the room and I swear I felt my blood pressure increase.

I looked over at Kennedy who was giving me the side eye. "What?" I asked.

"Girl, are you sure you didn't sleep with anybody after you and Michael broke up?" She blurted. "Cause I know how comforting some good dick could be."

"No!" I chuckled. "I barely left the house, Kennedy. You know that."

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Ugh, I know. It's just everything Dr. Avery said about your symptoms, make a lot of sense. Like, I'm just now remembering that my sister had the same symptoms you're having when she was pregnant."

"Well, I'm not pregnant, sis. You can go ahead and cancel that from your mind right now." I said.

A couple knocks on the door was heard before the door swung open. A nurse walked in with the necessary items needed to take blood.

After drawing my blood and having me pee in a little cup, the nurse took the samples to the lab to be tested. Kennedy and I sat there patiently and waited for the doctor to return.

Thirty-five minutes had passed and Dr. Avery finally came back into the room with a folder, holding the results, in his hands.

The nerves definitely kicked in.

"Well," Dr. Avery began, looking down at the folder in his hand. "one of us were definitely wrong about you being pregnant, Ms. Campbell." He looked up at me.

I sighed in relief. "Oh, thank god! I knew you were wrong. There's no way—" I stopped mid sentence as I watched him shake his head in a 'no' formation and a smile growing on his face. My mouth dropped. I hopped off the exam table and shook my head as tears formed in my eyes. "No," I breathed.

Dr. Avery shook his head 'yes'. "You were the one wrong, Ms. Campbell." He grabbed my shoulders and looked me in my watery eyes. "Congratulations, Sasha. You're preg—."

Everything went black.

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