Chapter 9

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"Pfft! Why should I?" The guy asked. He grabbed Ally's arm and twisted it, "I said give me your money, now!"

Ally yelled in pain, "No! Now let me go!" Ally had tears pouring down her face. She didn't look up at Charles for help because she would be so embarrassed.

However, when he saw drops of water hitting the ground he knew that she was crying and he knew that he couldn't just watch, "Let her go and no one gets hurt!"

The guy grinned, "I'm so scared." He twisted Ally's arm even more and Ally forced herself not to yell in pain again. 

Her efforts failed when a small whimper slipped and that's when Charles took action. He ran towards the man holding Ally's arms and punched him in he face. The man let go of Ally and she fell to the ground. He punched Charles back and then they both started fighting. They rolled around on the ground and made grunting noises as they hit each other and took shots from one another.

"Charles!!! Stop!!!! Your gonna get hurt!!! Your gonna get in trouble!!! I'm ok now let's go!!!!" Ally tried to get Charles attention but he wouldn't listen.

Charles replied when he got the chance, "He can't get away with hurting you!! He's not gonna get away with that!!! I won't let him!!"

Ally turned around but looked back quickly, "I'm going to get security!!!"

As Ally ran down the halls looking for help she wondered how such a perfect night could turn into this.

Finally she ran into a security guard and grabbed him and pulled him towards the fight. She was too dazed to explain. The guard was very confused and kept asking if she was okay but all Ally did was shake her head no. Ally turned the corner and there was Charles, laying on the ground, blood dripping out of his nose, lip swollen. The man who had attacked Ally was no where in site. Both Ally and the guard quickly moved towards Charles.

"What happened!?" Ally asked frantically.

"He ran off." Charles smiled, "Guess he was too scared!"

Ally wasn't amused she looked at him seriously, "This is no time to be joking around!"

The guard ignored our conversation and cut in, "sir, are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine." Charles sat up and looked at the guard as if he knew that a whole bunch of questions awaited him.

"Okay good. May I ask you what happened?" The guard took out a pen and pad. He wrote down everything Charles said that seemed important.

Charles explained everything, except, he conveniently left out the fact that he punched first. Ally and Charles both played along and acted like they were the victims. Even though Charles and Ally both knew very well that he was just as guilty as the man.

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