Chapter 10

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"But did you see his face when I said that you were my girlfriend. He had fear written all over his face." Charles was trying to show off.

Ally laughed, "I think it was the other way around. You probably had fear written all over your face!"

Ally and Charles were walking down the hallways. They didn't want to go back into the concert for the sake of Charles. If his parents found out that he got in a fight they would be so angry.

"Oh come on Ally! I wasn't scared!" Charles said in a Whitney voice.

"Yes you were! Don't lie!" Ally smiled and then looked back forward.

"You know.... we could be boyfriend and girlfriend..." Charles paused for a minute. He waited for Ally's reaction.

Ally looked at him quickly, "Wait what!?"

Charles grinned, "you heard me! Will you be my girlfriend?"

Ally was shocked, she had no idea what to say. She was happy. And concerned and confused, "You want me.... to be your girlfriend...."

"No! I was just messing with you!" Charles said sarcastically.

"Well...why?" Ally didn't want to be a pest but she wanted to understand what had changed in the last few days.

Charles was scared that Ally would say no but now he knew that waiting for her response was even worse than her saying no, "because I like you!"

"Okay but you could have told me that three days ago. You know!" Ally raised her voice.

Charles backed away jokingly, "I didn't think it was the right timing!" Charles moved closer to her again.

Ally put her hand on her head and shook her head back and fourth, "You have a lot to learn."

Charles smiled, "So do you."

Ally moved closer to Charles and put her hand on his shoulder, "I know!" Then she turned the corner to go back into the concert.

Charles paused for a moment and hesitated, "What am I supposed to tell my parents?" He gestured to his face.

"Say you tripped or slipped or something!" Ally turned around and Charles followed.

"Where have you two been?!" Charles' mother yelled so that they could both hear her.

Charles opened his mouth to speak but Ally cut in, "Charles slipped face first and he had to clean up. You see, there was a lot of blood!"

Charles and Ally looked at his mother waiting for her comment. She looked atboth of them and then Shrugged and moved aside so they could get into the row of seats.

When the concert was over Charles walked Ally to her front door. Before Ally went inside Charles stopped her, "Nice job making up a story about my nose and lip!"

Ally shrugged, "No big deal."

There was silence for a moment and then Charles spoke again, "So.... about the whole boyfriend, girlfriend thing...."

Ally looked at Charles straight in the eyes in a very serious way, "I've thought it over and...."

To be continued in the next chapter!

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