Chapter 14

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It had been a few weeks since new years and ever since they kissed she had been doubting her relationship with Charles. She worried that she didn't really like him and that she would hurt him either way. It didn't help that Cassidy was saying nasty things about them either. she had been telling everyone that Charles had dumped her for Ally and Ally had made him dump her. It was true that Cassidy had dated Charles but Cassidy broke up with him and only a select few knew about them dating. Of course Ally wasn't one of the few and didn't even know Charles until she bumped into him over the summer.

Ally was walking down one of the schools hallways when her phone buzzed, she already knew who it was, Charles. She liked him and didn't want to hurt him but something had changed, something just wasn't right anymore. She didn't get as excited over the hearts that he would send her, her face didn't get warm when he called her beautiful anymore, she didn't go out of her way to see him anymore. She just felt separated from him now, she wasn't as interested.

Ally grabbed her phone out of her pocket and looked down at the text:

To: Ally

From: Charles

hey, just wanted to say good morning love. Sorry I didn't text earlier, I almost missed the bus.

To: Charles

From: Ally

lol that wouldn't have been good.

To: Ally

From: Charles

lol nope

To: Charles

From: Ally

well I have to go ttyl

To: Ally

From: Charles

okay bye

Ally put her phone back into her pocket and continued walking to her class. She was already late, the halls were empty and quiet. The only sound was the distant talking of loud teachers and her footsteps. Her next class was studio art and she had already finished her project and it didn't turn out too bad.

As Ally got closer to the classroom the slowed her pace a little and walked in. She quietly sat down hoping she was unnoticed but she wasn't, "Nice of you to join us, Ally. I need to speak to you after class."

Ally nodded and took out her pencil and sketchbook. She looked up at the screen where the teacher was explaining the technique that they would be using for their projects. Ally slouched down and looked out the window where a whole bunch of boys were throwing a football around and laughing.

Through the crowd of boys she could see Charles. He wasn't playing he was pointing in different directions while saying something. After they were done playing the guys all sat down in the grass. They were laughing and making jokes. Charles seemed to be the center of attention. He was probably the most popular jock in school. Everyone knew who he was. He was like a legend.

When the bell rang Ally stood up and packed her bags, she looked out the window one last time before turning to Mrs. Revers desk.

"Ally, you are a very talented student, however, I don't think your using your full potential." Mrs. Rever began to lecture, "Your style of art is very unique and you could get very far but I think that Charles might be a distraction for you." The teachers also knew Charles all too well. He was the class clown. He worked hard but he was never focused.

Ally rolled her eyes, "That's not true!"

"Really, because your behavior this year tells otherwise." Mrs. Rever looked at Ally seriously then turned her head to see Charles walk in the door.

Ally heard the footsteps and turned around, "If that all Mrs. Rever, I'll be on my way." She said sarcastically. Then she turned and walked out the door hands interlocked with Charles'. Ally couldn't help but feel a slight guilt for holding his hand.

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