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Gracie's POV:

Jason, Sasha, and I all fell asleep eventually that night. We stayed up until 4:00 a.m. talking about random stuff, the entire time I was nuzzled into Jason and it didn't take long for Sasha to join in. I hadn't even thought about what Darren would do or think if he saw me. The frail feeling in the pit of my stomach ached for him, I was so far away and he was out of a correct state of mind. I missed him but Jason's embrace was a good feeling. Sasha and I were both fast asleep on each side of Jason's body.

I woke up and it looked as if none of us moved a muscle since last night- or I should say this morning.

Small hums escaped Sasha's mouth as she rolled over above Jason. Her hair flying in his face and he jumped up immediately. "Move your fucking rat hair!" He spat with a raspy voice, pushing her almost completely off of my bed. I chuckled and covered my mouth at how destructive he got when someone awoke him. He looked at his golden watch and smiled.

"What are you so happy about?" Sasha helped herself up and rubbed her head.

"It's 10:17, we missed our first few classes." Jason said proudly and pushed me back down to the pillows and nuzzled into me, "Too close, Jason." I mumbled pushing him further and he sighed in annoyance.

"We were this close all night long though." He mumbled back, hugging his tatted arms tighter around me.

Suddenly my phone went off.

I reached out instantly pressing 'answer' and a female spoke into the phone.

Woman- "Hello? Is this Gracie Martinez?"

Me- Yeah, uh, is this for Darren?

Woman- "yes, I would like to tell you he's doing just perfect, well besides the Coma, everything is going well with him and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have?"

With an interruption from Sasha saying, "When he wakes up, tell him he scared this living shit outta his bitch!" She shouted playfully and Jason chuckled and covered her mouth. I rolled my eyes and continued....

Me- When will he get back up?

Woman- Its too soon to tell... I'm sorry, but my guess is possibly 4 weeks or so...

Me- what! 4 weeks?

Four weeks. Four.... weeks...damned it.

Woman- Like I said, its a guess, but its a serious injury.

After the phone call, I groaned in frustration and fell back against my bed.

"Don't stress Gracie, we won't leave you here alone. We'll keep your minda off of it." Sasha handed me a tub of ice cream with a caring smile.

Jason tried to hide a laugh and grabbed one of the spoons placed in Sasha's hand. Opening the lid, he took the first scoop. "This should be a fun day." He laughed to himself and turned the volume up on the T.V. watching Cops.

"Ugh." Sasha rolled her eyes at Jason. "I hate this god damn show and Im all outta pads. Shit." She spat and began going through my bag.

"When did your period start?" Jason asked, obviously not realizing periods can start suddenly. They don't exactly 'take time'.

Ignoring Jason's question, she waited for a reply.

"I have tampons?" I suggested. Her face froze and looked at me. My mouth dropped into an 'o' shape in shock. "You have never worn a tampon, have you?...Wow." I giggled in astonishment and she flushed in embarrassment.

"Stick a tampon in, Sash." Jason encouraged, probably being sarcastic but he was also shocked that she was 20 and hadn't tried a tampon.

Sasha shook her head, "Just give me a pad." She forced.

I shrugged, "don't have them. don't use them. sorry" I stood up and reached in my suitcase. "Here." I threw a tampon to her lap and went back to my bed and sat as far from Jason as I could.

"What if I put it... you know... the wrong hole?" She whispered a even though Jason could still hear.

"Pretend your master bating." Jason gave a thumbs up along with a wink and I began laughing hard.

Sasha marched to the bathroom with the tampon in her hand and Jason joined me in laughter once she slammed the door shut.

"You think she'll do it?" I asked Jason still laughing. He hid his face with a pillow.

Jason's POV:

"Finally." I cheered as Sasha walked out of the bathroom with a wide smile plastered on her face.

"Shut up." She stuck out her tongue out at me and crawled onto her bed. "It's already 11:30 y'all, what should we do?" She asked.

"Shit." I spoke unexpectedly and Sasha and Gracie looked at me in wonder.

"What?" Gracie asked and knitted her brows into a confused frown. I just remembered I had to be down at 'Cuffs 69' at 11:40 to handle some unfinished business.

"I have to go." I stood up instantly and slid on my red Supra's without another word, I was off.

Thanks for reading again!






I've been really busy do to school ending so I'm tryin to get everything done. -Jasmin

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