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It's been a couple days since Jason and I went on our date, and we've been hanging out ever since.
Jason was late to Biology class this morning and he seemed pissed.
Everything on his face read 'don't talk to me' clearly. The frown, the redness of his face, the balled fists. Something had happened and he sits behind me. He avoided eye contact with me and I was confused why but I didn't talk to him. Instead, Professor James did. Jason hates Professor James.
"You were late. Would you like to explain to the class." He crossed his arms and slowly walked towards Jason's desk.
Jason was mad, I could literally feel the energy of his anger boiling on the back of my head.
"No, I don't really. Thanks for fucking asking." Jason snapped and everyone dropped what they were doing. I looked at the front of the classroom, refusing to turn around and see what Professor James face expression would look like.
"That is no way to speak in my classroom, would you like to leave? And you owe this class an explanation for interrupting."
I wanted the ceiling to drop on all of us, just for Jason's sake, he wouldn't have to deal with James.
"I would actually love to leave, and I was late. So what? It's not the first time." I could see him rolling his eyes and I'm surprised when Professor James walks away.
When he sits down at his desk in the front of the room, I turn around.
"Wow." I mouthed referring to Professor James. Jason smiled and leaned forward.
"I would of been here sooner but Ralph and I got in a huge ass argument." He told me.
"You know you should really be careful of the tone and language you use towards him. I don't want you to be kicked out of this class." I admitted and Jason rolled his eyes.
"I won't get kicked out, James is a coward." He spit just loud enough that Prof. James could possibly of heard him. I widened my eyes and quickly looked at James. He sat quietly at his desk listening to a student.
"So your coming to our party tonight, right?" Jason changed the subject.
I brought my eyebrows together in confusion. "I didn't know there was a party."
"I want you to come. But, you'll be with me this time. Not Cody, he's not allowed to talk to you." Jason smirked, "It starts at 9."
Sasha and I showed up together. Jason was waiting at the doorway with a beer bottle in his hand.
"Hey Gracie!" He threw his arms around me with a grin and I could smell the alcohol on him. He didn't stop and talk, just brought me to a room with about 8 others.
His friends were there smoking and Sasha followed us.
Talia was there.
"Jason I'm gonna go get a drink." I said as an excuse to get out of that room. Talia hadn't noticed me yet but I'm afraid to see when she does.
"Don't worry I've got drinks in this cooler." He offered. Talia was laughing and when she looked up, she saw me. She didn't do anything or say anything but stare at Jason's arm around me.
She didn't look happy anymore.
Jason was drinking more and more, he's had more than two bottles already. I should tell him to stop but why would he listen to me?
Moments later somebody came up with the idea of a game of truth or dare.

"C'mon Grace let's sit down." He pulled me to the ground where the circle was forming.
"I don't want to do this." I told Jason but it's like he didn't hear me, he just hollered "Lets get Cody to join us!"
My stomach turned and I really didn't want to be anywhere near Talia or Cody right now, and I don't want to be around Jason.
"I don't want to play truth or dare Jason." I said again.
"You want too, don't worry. You just don't know it yet, shhhh." He slurred with a goofy grin that was off putting.

Cody walked into the door and suddenly I began drinking down Jason's bottle.

I was dared to give Jason a hickey, then Cody dared Khalil and Alfredo to kiss. It was hilarious, but they hated it. If they weren't so high, you wouldn't be able to make them.
"Jason," Talia started, "I dare you to kiss me." Her smile was big and evil. I felt my heart drop to the floor when Jason stood up to get to her.
Cody and Sasha were looking away. I know they knew how awkward this was for me, and they could tell it hurt. I know Jason's drunk, but I'm fucking pissed at Talia.
Jason kissed her for a second, but Talia pulled him in longer, and longer. They began making out and I felt an urge to scream and punch her in the face.

I found myself ontop of her, completely unaware of what I was doing but it felt amazing. She was trying to squirm away, but I threw my fists at her face over and over again.
Jason wrapped his arms around me and pulled me away for the second time that Talia and I have fought.
"Grace, Grace stop." He said in my ear and stood me up. "Get over here." Jason yanked my out of the room with a tight grip on my arm but all I focused on was Talia yelling and calling me names from behind.
"Baby girl why'd you do that?" He looked down at me and lifted my chin so I'd look at him.
"Seriously? You two were making out! I'm surprised you didn't slip it in-" Jason put his hand over my mouth with warning eyes. I shut myself up to keep him from getting mad.
"Let's go upstairs. Now." He pulled me by the wrist and weaved our way through the people on the staircase. He opened up his room door and pulled me in it, locking the door behind him.

"Why would you kiss her!" I threw my hands in the air. Jason slapped his forehead and closed his eyes.

"You didn't need to punch her in the face, Gracelynn." He started then I stopped him.

"Don't call me Gracelynn." I despise my real name. He sighed and pushed me backwards on the bed, hovering over me then kissing my forehead. I smelt the liquor on his lips when he chuckled. "Don't be mad at me, I like you so much."

I pushed him off and before I could stand up he held me back.

"Hey, where are you going?" He frowned, pulling my body against his. His hazel eyes were red and dilated.
He's so drunk he doesn't even realize what he's doing.
"Back home, I don't want to be here." I pulled back but he refused to let go. "Let go of me!" I raised my voice and pushed at his chest.

My eyes left his quickly, I made my way  downstairs.

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