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Sasha's POV:

"Jason just fucking kill him already!" I stomped furiously. He wanted to kill him, I know he did, but every time he looked at Gracie he stopped. Why was he doing this?

Jason pulled his shit together after a glance at me and pulled the trigger and aimed right at the mans chest.

"Good job, man." Khalil patted his back and Gracie covered her face in disgust. The view was actually really graphic and sickening.

"I'll take Gracie back now. Thanks babes." I winked and guided Gracie back to our car. The guys said nothing and just watched us turn the corner in silence.

"That was quite something, wasn't it?" I smiled a little and started the car.

"It was something..? You people are sick, messed up, assholes. How could anyone kill somebody? do you know how fucking messed up that is!" Gracie yelled at me in anger. I didn't stop her though. Everything she was saying was the sad truth. "God, screw you. I'm gonna get a different dorm room. How.. just. Ugh!" She cursed under her breathe and put her face in her hands for the rest of the ride home.

Did I feel bad? of course. I do like Gracie, she's a sweet girl and she's going through a lot with her boyfriend Darren in a coma right now, but I couldn't help my jealousy. At least now she hates Jason, I have nothing to worry about. Except, she hates me too.

Sorry this was a really short chapter... I didn't have much time xx

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