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Jason's POV:
I followed Gracie downstairs but she didn't look back to see if I was following her not even once. She was stopped by fucking Cody.
"Hey man we got Molly!" Khalil jumped at me with an exaggerated grin.
I smirked. Its actually what I really need right now, not want. What I want is Gracie.
I took the pill from his hand quickly.
Gracie's POV:
I sat at the bar for a while. I had a bottle of beer in front of me but I didn't drink it once. I figured that Jason is probably making out with Talia again, and that hurt a little. Why is it hurting me?
I plopped off the tall sitting stool to search for Sasha and assumed I'd find her in the back yard. I was right.
"Girly! Where'd you disappear too? I couldn't find you!" She gaped and hugged me with one arm. "Are you okay?"
I nodded reassuringly. I know she thought that Jason kissing Talia hurt me, and it did, but I don't want to admit it.
She doesn't buy it, but I'm thankful when she doesn't mention it anymore.

Cody started approaching us and was eating a hamburger. "Lovely night ladies." He laughed and his burger meat fell out of his bun onto the grass.
"You might want to get a new one." I suggested, giggling a little.
He shrugged. "Maybe later. How's things between you and Jason?" He asked. It irritated me and I know he was only trying to be kind but I could've done without the question. I hope people don't start asking me about it. Jason and I weren't even serious.
"Jason and I are nothing, we never were anything so I'm fine. Really." I said and kind of meant it. I don't think I believed I was right, but I tried too.
"Say what you want but," he took a bite of his bread, "you two had a thing." He winked and I rolled my eyes.
"Just go." Sasha shooed him away and I thank her after he's gone.
"Want something? ...Drugs. Beer. Sex?"
My eyes widened and I covered her mouth. "Dude! Shhhhh!"
Her laugh was loud and annoying but somehow I was laughing along with her.

"Free drinks ladies." A boy handed us both red cups.

"That's weird, normally these frat parties never just hand beer out like that." She wonders for a moment before shrugging and gulping down the beer. The taste was sour, but I also continued to drink it anyway.

And suddenly everything else was a blur.

Jason's POv:

I went outside to get fresh air. It was smoky and stinky in the frat so the barbecue smell was a refreshment.

There were some people causing a commotion in a group. Then I notice Za running up to me.

"You know Gracie?" He said and rubbed his forehead. He always rubs his forehead when he's about to say something bad.

"..Yes, what about her?" I replied, but he didn't answer. Well I didn't really give him time, I just took off to the crowd.

"What the shits going-" I pushed people away and Gracie was with Sasha, sitting on the grass but Sasha looked fine. Gracie was sitting on the ground with her hands over her face.

"Jason something happened, I don't know what but-" Sasha sounded frantic and touched my shoulder.

"Clearly she was fucking drugged. What'd she take?" I demanded to know, and Sasha was here with her this entire time.

Sasha shrugged, "There was a random guy who gave us both drinks, but it's not affecting me."

Un. fucking. believable.

I picked Gracie up and she nudged her head into my shoulder and I could feel her heart pounding quickly.

"Who was the guy, and if you don't know then explain him." I demanded.

She looked around and her eyes widened. "Him!"

I looked at where her finger was pointing. The boy had really light, short hair and dark ass eyes. Piercings covered him. He looked insane and I don't understand what the fuck made Gracie even take the beer from his hand.

The boy looked at me, not a care was on his face, and he took a swig of something and smirked. I wanted to kill him.

"Jason don't do anything. Just get Gracie out of here." Sasha stepped in front of me, blocking the sight of the dumbass because she's so fucking tall.

"Give me the keys to the room." I sighed and held out my hand. I'll get to that boy eventually, I'm sure I'll see him again and when I do I'll beat the living shit out of him.

She placed the keys into my palm and I carried Grace quickly.

"What's happening?" Cody ran to my car before I could back out.

"I'm taking her home clearly." I replied sharply.

Cody put his hand up to stop me from backing out. "There's a guy here for Gracie, with the name of um, Darren? Do you know him?"

"Fuck." I groaned and mentally slapped myself. "What does he-" I stopped talking when I noticed Darren appearing next to Graces window.

Fuck no.

The passenger door opened and in came Darren.
Fucking Yay.

"What the hell did you do to her!" He yelled, ready to attack me. "This better be fucking good."

This is bullshit. Darren does not care about Gracie at all. I can smell the alcohol on him. Gracie was stirring in her seat just trying to keep herself awake.

"I didn't do shit to her! Some Dumbass thought it would be fun to slip something in her drink and fuck I don't know what the drug was but I'm just trying to get her back to her dorm safe so get your fucking hands off of her so I can do that." I spat at the drunken man in front of me and god, how much I wanted to back out and run him over. If there weren't so many witnesses around I would.

Darren just shook his head at me. "And do what? What will happen if you leave her alone in her dorm fucking drugged?" he paused, "Huh? Maybe your not as safe as you thought."

I starred at him for a moment. He was right. though, I wouldn't of left her alone in her dorm. Of course she wouldn't like me being there when she wakes up but I wouldn't ever let her be at risk.

"She'll be okay. Get the fuck out of my car." She will be safe. she will be okay.

I won't leave her.

After I was able to actually start driving I started thinking why the hell I even care about Gracie. She's just like anyone else. I'm never this gentle to a person.

"FUCK!" I punched my steering wheel and a loud honk made her jump. I looked at her face and she had tears down her face. This is all of my fucking fault.
I brought Gracie into her room and lay her on her bed. I couldn't leave her here alone. No. I would be an asshole and I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight if I did that. Not that I would be getting any sleep tonight anyway.

"This will wear off you just need to sleep and your head will hurt in the morning babygirl" I said calmly and touched her cheek, drying the tears. She just lay there, completely numb from the drug.

I took a place on the floor and used some shirts of Sasha's as a pillow. Gracie will just have to sleep this off for now.


I woke up extra early with a weight on my chest and hair in my mouth. I almost pushed the body off until I realized it wasn't Sasha and it was Gracie.


I groaned and pushed her hair out of her face.

Gracie was awake and tried to smile at me. "How do you feel?" I asked and played my fingers over he shoulder.

Her smile faded but it didn't leave. "I don't remember all of it." She admitted, "but I'm freezing. That's why I came to lay with you."

No wonder she's freezing, she's not even under the covers with me. Just above. Maybe she couldn't get under them because I've been told before that I "hog blankets".

I pulled the covers over her and I, pulling her to my chest wrapping her in my arms to make her warmer.

"I'm really sorry." I whispered.

"Don't be. I'm fine, really."

"Fuck." I cursed under my breathe. "No, it's my fault and your not fine. I can tell by looking at you, you're not fine." I shouldn't have left her alone. I shouldn't of even hurt her feelings.

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