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Jason's POV:


Holy shit. Why did I ask her on a date.

I'm so bad for her.

It was at her door when I thought about doubts. Perfect fucking time.

I was getting nervous and overwhelmed thinking about how everything will go on this date. What if when I knock on the door, she's gone. What if she left somewhere else to get herself out of being with me. Or, she could be hiding away in her bathroom with the door locked.

Without thinking I knock.

A smiling girl answered the door and it took me a second to realize it's Gracie. My eyes scanned her body. She was wearing a dark blue, almost black, sun dress. It went mid-thigh and hugged her waist perfectly, spreading out from the waist down, and god, she looked stunning.

"Hi." She smiled shyly and moved her hair away from her face.

"You look.." Suddenly I was at loss of words but quickly recovered "very beautiful."

Her smile returned and then Sasha stepped into the doorway.

"I did her hair. Looks great doesn't it?" her expression was cheap, bitchy even. But Gracie's hair did look great I hate to admit.

Gracie's POV:

Jason walked me to his car and opened the door for me. He was smiling and I hadn't seen him like this before. He wasn't as serious as normal.

Jason was being a gentleman, its kinda hard to believe and weird to experience, but it's comfortable.

"Where are we going Jason?" I asked, shifting in the passenger seat.

He glanced at me before backing out.

"You look very pretty, did you know?"

I was probably smiling like an idiot. "Thank you, but really, where are we going?" I asked again.

He looked at me again, still in the process of backing out, "you'll s-" the car jerked. Both of our eyes widened.

"Shit." Jason laughed after looking in the review mirror, "I hit a garbage can."

I think he got lucky that it wasn't a kid or an animal he backed out on.

"Anyway, you'll see." He played with his eyebrows and played with his hair. It's so perfect and he never ruins it even when he runs his fingers through it, over, and over.

I was so focused on my butterflies that I didn't pay attention to what Jason was wearing. A red V-neck with black pants, and he actually didn't sag them.

"I like what your wearing. Why don't you keep your pants up more often?" I asked earning a chuckle in return.

"Really! You too?" He asked with raised eyebrows and a smile on his shocked face.

"What?" I smiled back, "Do you get asked that a lot?"

"All the time, it's not even funny. You like my pants pulled up?" He looked at me, I shrugged. It probably made him happy that I shrugged because that way, he knows I don't care if he sags his pants or not. It honestly doesn't bother me. The happy expression in his face made me smile and I leaned back in the seat, waiting with him for the red light to turn green, he faced me. Suddenly my heart stopped when his lips touched mine.

[[[I'm such a crappy person for not updating sooner, but I'll start updating more and tomorrow will be another.:)]]]

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