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A/N: glad to hear a lot of you are enjoying the story and please tell your friends and cite for this chapter! thank you:)

Jason's POV:

It's been a week since what happened with Dan and Gracie. Everything went weird after that. I felt regret and stupidly sorry that I killed a man in front of Gracie. I should of made her leave, because now she has that haunting image of a bloody, abused man on the side of the abandon building with bruises on every point of his body.

Now today's Saturday, and the guys are having another party for Za's birthday. It was a surprise, but he clearly found out because the fucking guys can't keep their god damn mouths shut.

"Man, go buy the vodka. I told you like two hours ago, what the hell are you still doing sitting on the couch?" Khalil nudged my head and brought a joint to his lips. "The party will start soon, it's almost eight. You have an hour so get the fuck outta here." he added.

I groaned and stood to my feet before turning the light switch off, leaving Khalil in the dark. I chuckled after I heard him yell, "hey turn the fucking light back in asshole!" but I chose to ignore him and get the vodka. he can take the risk to find his way around the room in the dark, that's what he gets for making me drive to the liquor store.

On my way to the liquor store I noticed Sasha's blonde hair walking in the rain.

What the fuck?

I pulled over and walked across the street to her without her noticing. She was walking quick and nearly fell when she tripped over a crack in the pavement. "What are you doing out here?" I asked when I caught up with her. She jumped at my voice and put her hand to her head. "Oh thank god it's just you."

I frowned and took another look at what she was wearing. a bra and jeans.

She stood and covered her face when I asked why she was wearing just a bra on the side of the highway.

"I don't really know, okay? A group of guys just jumped on me and ripped off my shirt, a truck began pulling up and they all scattered and I ran." She admitted and her voice spoke shaky as if she was going to cry about the experience.

I sighed and gave her my jacket before grabbing her arm and crossing the street to the other side where my Ferrari was. She got into the passenger seat and buckled her seat belt as I did the same.

"So are you gonna tell me where this shit happened?" I asked and pulled into the rode again.

"By the movie theatre. I don't know who the men were but they were most likely in their late thirties." She shivered, "I don't want old dick." She spat and I nearly choked on laughter.

"Wow." I said. She glared at me, "What, Jason? What."

"It's just, you almost got raped and your afraid of getting 'old dick'. If they were in their twenties you'd be happy, huh." I proved a point when she sighed in defeat and flipped her hair.

Of course she'd be happy. She is a whore, but I mean that in the best way possible. She's my friend and I know that she enjoys being that. "I'm going to the liquor store and picking up vodka. You can come in with me or stay in the car." I said when we parked in the parking lot.

"I'll go in with you." She agreed and hoped out, wrapping her arm around mine. I didn't mind it though, I am aware people may take it as 'we are dating' but we're just friends and always will be. I'm not into girls like her.

On our way in, we continued the conversation that we left off on.

"Why didn't you call someone to pick you up? you have your phone, don't you?" I asked.

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