Twenty eight

390 10 0

Gracie's lips were the softest lips I've ever felt, and she had me feeling a way that I've never felt. She doesn't even know it.

She let quiet sighs escape her mouth and I didn't want her to stop.

How could Darren pass this up, I begin to wonder. She's so delicate. Her hands play through my hair; messing it up but I don't even mind. The other hand is against my chest, and I know she could feel how quickly my heart is racing.

I wonder if she knows she's making me in a trance. I feel like I'm falling into her, like if she were to leave me tomorrow I'd be heartbroken. Fuck.

I wonder how she feels about me.

I know she's into me, she just showed me and the way she acted up to Talia when I kissed her, Gracie went above and beyond showing me all that I needed to know.

But I wonder if she wants me as much as I want her in this very moment.

Gracie places her hand on my mouth as she pulls away; she replaces it behind my neck and rests her forehead on mine. I want to lean in again, I want to feel her softness again.

But her eyes are looking down.

"You're so bad for me." She says, and before a second has time to pass, she presses her lips to mine again.

Gracie's POV

Jason smiles after what I just told him, and his grasp on me gets tighter. My heart is racing so fast, and he makes it stop every time his hands and fingertips are re-placed.

I'm pushed tightly against him, I feel like I'm apart of him and he lays me down.

Jason's tongue leaves mine as he travels down to my jawline, down to my neck. He kisses me gently, perfectly, Ive never felt so attached to anyone. Sighs leave my mouth, causing him to come back up and smirk. He knows what he's doing and it's driving my mind up walls.

He's only inches from me, his hands take mine and hold them above my head so I can't move them, leaving me unable to kiss him more and pulling him in.

Only one hand is holding mine up now, the other is drifting fingertips over my cheek, past my neck, to my chest giving me goosebumps. Jason is enjoying this and he can see the impatience in my eyes. And the way I'm squirming underneath.

He unbuttons my white blouse, slowly. I bring my knees up and he places his hand on my thigh, and the way his hands are moving makes me go insane. I moan, sitting up, I cup my hand on the side of his face, and kiss his cheek; sucking at his jawline. Jason doesn't stop me when he pulls me onto his lap.

I kiss behind his ear and bite at his earlobe, now his breathing has changed.

I rub my hand just over his pants at the bulge.

"Fuck Grace." He curses and leans his head back, his eyes close and he squeezes my side.

An abrupt wiggle at the door knob interrupts us and I jump off of Jason. Sasha walks in and her eyes grow wide- so does her mouth.

Jason runs his hands through his hair and looks at me as if to say sorry.

"The fuck just... What?" Sasha is surprised and stares at us for some time.
"I'll leave, your welcome." She smiles and winks at me before grabbing her makeup bag and leaving out the door.

I'm happy she didn't stay long.

Jason and I start laughing.

"Well damn." He says and and I push at his shoulders making him lay down next to me.

I don't want to continue what we were doing, for some reason. I guess I did want to, but Sasha ruined it.

"You were good." Jason smiles at me and puts a strand of hair behind my ear. "I didn't want you to stop."

I smiled at him, just a little, but I can't do anything with a guy this soon into knowing him.

I wanted to kiss him again, but this time I don't know how far it'd go without interruptions. I mean, Darren and I are still newly broken up.

"It's too soon, Jason." I admit.

"I know." He sighed and kissed my nose.

I smiled again, probably blushing, but he makes me feel some type of way and I love it.

"We should get up." I say and he shakes his head stubbornly, "come on, and don't you have to help cleanup your frat?" I remind.

Jason sits up and watches me leave to my dresser.

"Nah the guys will take care of it." He smirks.

I brush the tangles out of my hair and turn around, "Um," I say and bite my lip not sure if I should ask, "was Darren at the party last night?" I ask.

I remember hearing his voice, I just don't know if that was him?

Jason's face changed from happy to unreadable and he just nodded.

"Yeah." Is all he says and I want to ask why but Jason obviously doesn't like talking about Darren. "I'll let you relax today, last night was rough." He says and before he leaves I run to him and hug him for as long as I can.

His arms tightly squeeze me and God he smells so good.

"Thank you." I say for last night and getting me out of that frat. Partly thanking him for this morning, too, but he doesn't know that.

"I'll text you later." He kisses my forehead and smiles at me before he leaves.

Thank you for reading!

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