Chapter 3~Suprise

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A familar soft,warm pair of lips pecked my forehead.

"I finally get to say it. for 2 years i have been trying and waiting and now i can." he paused

"I'm so sorry" he said in a deep truthful voice.

i still couldn't move, i was still in shock. He then planted his lips on my cheek and walked away.

I didn't know how to react, i missed his soft peck on the forehead, it made everything better.

But it cant make what happened between us better, im not that easy.

He left me broken and in the most hurtful way. the things he said about me made me feel terrible about myself. i can't forgive him...I CAN'T"

The bell rang for the end of school and everyone forced there way past me as i still couldn't move from the sudden suprise Jai did.

I feel relieved but i can't forget what he did. It killed me in the inside, having your bestest friend tell people that you mean nothing to them makes my heart break everytime i think of it.

I don't know what i feel anymore.

When my movement returned back to me, i walked home with Daisy,Mia and the rest of the group

My head was pounding, it made me feel dizzy and ill.

"Tiffany, are you okay, you look pale?" Daisy asked worried.

The sun didn't help me at all it made it even worse.

"Im fine i just need to sit down for abit" i replied forcing the words out my mouth.

We all sat on the grass for half an hour and it still didn't make me feel any better. I felt light headed and i felt weak.

i must be dehydrated i havent drank any water for a day and a half now.

"lets walk now i need to get back." lilly from the group mentioned.

We all got up and started walking back. I walked at the back of the group as they were walking a fast pace.

They carry on walking ahead of me, at this point i am walking alone. "Wait up!" i try to shout but nothing came out. My mouth was so dry i couldn't let out a single word.

Lilly turned back to see where was, as she spotted me, i told her to wait but she faced the group and carried on walking.

Have i just been ditched by my own friends?

I wanted to cry but my eyes didn't water.

was i really that dehydrated?

i fell to my knees and my eyes started to close.

"TIFFANY!" i heard a faint aussi accent scream.

i smiled as he came kissed my head and told me "everythings going to be alright, I'm here for you."

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