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I dont know what was it but at the end I gave in and kissed him back but who knew that it would end up like this. But it didnt felt like it will end soon but it felt like the beginning.


No i can't!

I pushed jungkook away with all my might. Once i pushed him he gaved a dark stare. (Sorry to dissapoint you)

"You seriously think i will be with you after all you do with girls" i said crossing my arms, waiting for a response.

"You will be mine but later dont get too comfortable its only temporarily" he said with lust in his eyes.


What makes him think i will stay with him after he said that.

He gaved me one last look before leaving the class.

And thats how the day went with the one and only playboy Jeon Jungkook.

End of flashback

"Well you can say it was some what interesting" i said looking at the girls which i later regretted as they started to bomard me with questions.

"Really! How?" Rose said holding my hand.

"How come?" Jisoo asked holding my other hand.

"Interesting? Well that is something new coming out of your mouth" jennie said looking at me wierdly.

"Okay when i said interesting i meant interesting thats it" i said removing my hands from the grip of jisoo and rose.

"Fine dont say anything, but one more question?" Jennie said moving forward making our faces one inch gap.

"Is it a guy?"

A guy?

Its not just any guy, it Jungkook.

If i tell them they will flip out and cause chaos. They will look for jungkook and make sure he doesn't carries his little friend with him no more. If you know what i'm talking about?

"Knew it now spill it, who is he?" Jennie said sitting back properly waiting for my response.

"Its no one your just paranoid" i said without looking at her.

"Paranoid!? Do you have a death wish? Have some gratitude that i care for you at least. Anyways dont tell me but as you know i always have my ways" jennie said leaving without saying another word.

"You better watch out, as soon as she finds out you will be in big problems " rose said standing up.

"Now i'll be leaving, enjoy it while still can"

And just like that she left. Its only me and jisoo.

I turned around to look at jisoo and say something but witnessed emptiness on her spot.

Yep shes gone too.


"Why didn't i tell them again?" I said talking to myself.

"I heared one of the stages of crazy people are talking to themselves"

That voice.

I hate it.

"Why are you here?" I asked turning around annoyed.

"Is that how you greet me now? Ouch, you hurted my feelings" he said holding his chest acting hurt.

"Seriously what do you want jungkook?"

"You know me so well" he said sitting down across from me.

The Big Mistake💔(Liskook)Where stories live. Discover now