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I looked only to see Yoongi standing infront of me, my blood was boiling just by seeing his face. Seeing him just reminded me of the time, him and his father made sure my life was a living hell. As i looked at Yoongi i looked to his right only to see Jimin standing next to him. What killed me the most was when he placed his hand on Yoongi indicating that he was by his side and wasn't planning on letting go.

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked, looking at Jimin.

"Nothing much. But as you can tell i am on Rachel and Yoongi side because they are right in about everything while your not. If you only open your eyes and--"

"I'm not planning to close my eyes and be blinded again if thats what you ask." I spoke not letting Jimin finish, i looked at him with full of anger. I never knew the person i most trusted on the most besides Taehyung would stab me in the back. "I'll remain my eyes open and i'm definitely not going to be blind folded."

"I agree with my brother. And if you guys have any problem then you will have to face me and our brother, which is not you Yoongi." Jennie spat with hatred. She eyed Yoongi closely and gaved him a warning look.

"Brother? Wait what do you mean?" Yoongi asked, looking at Jennie with raised eyebrows.

Before i can let Jennie answer his question i answered.

"Yes brother. If you didn't know about my whereabouts then i will help you stay updated." I gaved Yoongi a glare. "Besides you i have another brother that does really cares about me and always stood by my side when i needed him the most. But whats the news?" I waved my hand up and down at Yoongi, acting like im representing a work of art. "Your nothing but a boy who doesn't even deserves being called brother from me because all you do is make sure that my life is a living hell."

As i was about to leave Yoongi and the other two in which i didn't want yo have any relationship with, i felt a hand on my right shoulder. I turned around to see who it was only to see Jimin glaring at me.

"Your really something else Jeon Jungkook. But guess what this time your not going to be the last one to have the last words, but this time it will be me." He said full with anger his grip on my shoulder was even more tighter.

"Back off." I pushed his hand away, glaring at him.

"Or what?" He challenged.

"I guess you really forgot how i really am Jimin, but if you think that just because you were my bestfriend and i will go all soft on you then your wrong."

Jimin let out a chuckle and spoke. "Why do you always act like your the guy who needs the center of attention? Can't you for once stop acting like that."

"Jimin." Yoongi mumbled, he placed his hand on his shoulder only to get it rid of harshly."

"Don't jimin me, you know perfectly well how i feel yet you decide to let him walk away? Well guess what screw it." Jimin pointed out. "All i have to say to you is that this time i'm not letting you have everything you want this time, this time i will fight for it." Jimin warned.

"I knew this would happen." I heard Jin mumble while shaking his head in disappointment.

Once jimin was about to leave Taehyung yelled.

"If you walk one more step your no longer considered our friend and also be treated as i brother."

Jimin turned around giving Taehyung a shrug, taking a step upfront.

"Fine then have it your way. If i ever see you do something to one of us i wont even hesitate to throw you a punch." Taehyung started to walk away but looked back at Jimin. "I dont want to see you again, go and make sure your stuff is packed up because for today on your no longer living with me."

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