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We were in front of a big mansion but not as big as mine or jungkooks. The house showed the person had a wealthy life but not as much. I looked at jungkook who was looking at me as if he is having fun.

"Why you bought me here" was the only words that came out of my mouth.

"Well its a surprise but if your that eager than lets go" he said grabbing my hand dragging me to the front door of a mansion. He ranged the bell that was next to me.

After a few minutes a women answered.

"Good morning how may i help you?"

"Were here to look for rachel" jungkook said in a dull voice.

"Im sorry but Ms is having a hard time right now"

"What, what happened?" I asked meanwhile jungkook looked at me in disbelief.

"Well Ms. Rachel had a problem at the party she went yesterday, she came back home injured and right now she feels bad"

Injured? How?

And by who?

"Im sorry but you can come some other time, who am i speaking to again?" The lady said.

"Jist tell her the mayors son came" jungkook said and went towards the car.

"Okay then have a nice day"

"You too thanks" i said walking towards jungkook.

"I still dont get why we came here" i said confused.

"Your seriously so clueless, anyways we came here because now you know what happened to rachel, but have you asked your self who it was?" He said walking up to me with his famous smirk.

Please tell me i was not involved in this.

"Indeed you were the one that caused her to be injured, i must say it was quite interesting" he said as if he was reading my mind.

"Dont you remember how you dragged her out of my arms and started punching her" he said smirking.


"A what?"

We both turned around only to see jungkook sending daggers to the girl.

"Oppa its not what it looks like, she is the one that started" Rachel said fixing jungkooks collar.

"Is that so?"  He said raising an eyebrow while rachel nodded.

"Well then i have no other choice then to talk to my father regarding your father" jungkook said acting innocent.

"What? No!" She said yelling in surprise.

"I mean, you dont have to" she said flirting with jungkook.

"I'll spare you but if you ever do something that gets me angry then its over for you, got it?" He said looking at her with those scary eyes, she nodded repeatedly before leaving.

"I see your problems just has started" he said sitting down next to me.

"Yeah and its all because of you" i said sending glares at him.

"Well its not my fault i was born handsome" he said shrugging his shoulders grabbing a drink the bartender brought him.

"Handsome? Your just a simple jerk and monster" i said looking away.

He grabbed my face harshly with his two finger making me face him, as i looked at him he no longer had a flirt look but instead a dark look.

"I may be a monster but at least i wont be destroyed that easily"

The Big Mistake💔(Liskook)Where stories live. Discover now