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"How dare you get my daughter get pregnant and not take responsibility for it" Mr.Smith yelled.

One minute Jungkook was walking out the school calmly with Taehyung when all of the sudden Mr.Smith came towards their direction yelling like a maniac. 

"First of all me and your daughter talked earlier and if i remember well, i remember telling her i'll take responsibility for the baby and not have no type of relationship with her, am i right?" He said looking at Rachel.

Rachel bit her lips feeling nervous by the situation, her father caught on and yelled once again.

"No! Your going to marry my daughter and stay by her side no matter what. I don't want my grandson seeing both his or her parents separated"

"And i said i won't marry her, besides i don't even love her"

"You should have thought that before going into my daughters legs!"

Rachel looked at her father shocked, his words made her sound like a whore.

"I didn't mean to i was drunk... don't you think it's your daughters fault for taking advantage of a drunk man" Jungkook asked with raised eyebrow. Mr.Smith stood there quiet not knowing what to say and Jungkook knew that he won a point. "Thats what i thought"

"Thats not point" Mr.Smith spoke. "Your taking the responsibility and thats final!"

Jungkook looked around feeling frustrated, everybody's attention was now on them.

Mr.Smith was about to speak once again when a female voice interrupted them.

"Whats going on?" Lisa asked walking in along with the rest of the group.

Rachel let out a chuckle. "Were agreeing on the date of our marriage so get lost!"

Lisa looked at Jungkook hurt. Just a few hours ago they just got back together and now she just hears about them two getting married. Lisa was about to leave when Jungkook immediately grabbed her wrist, not wanting to lose her once again.

"It's not like that i promise. I'm not going to marry her no matter what they say" Jungkook assured.

"Of course your getting married with my daughter"

"And i said no" Jungkook glared at Mr.Smith. "I'll rather die then have her as my wife"

"You little brat!" Mr.Smith raised his hand about to hit Jungkook when Taehyung immediately grabbed hold of his wrist.

"Nobody slaps him in front of us or else they would regret it" Taehyung threatened not caring if he is older then him.

Mr.Smith snatched his wrist away giving him a glare.

Mr.Smith was about to shout at him when Jungkook spoke.

"I was planning to play along and be nice but you know being nice can be a bit tiresome" Jungkook admitted. "Why don't you tell your father your little secret" Jungkook looked at Rachel.

Everybody's direction was now on her. They all looked confused, they didn't know what her little secret could possibly be. Jungkook nodded his head understanding why she didn't want to speak.

"Fine don't speak but i do have somebody that would like to tell your secret" Jungkook said but later corrected himself. "I mean two people" Jungkook turned around and looke at the school entrance while everybody looked at the direction he was looking at.

As they kept looking both Jimin and Yoongi came out walking, walking there way towards the crowd.

"Father whatever they say don't listen to them they are only-"

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