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I got up from the cold floor tired of feeling pathetic. Tired of feeling people looking down at me and expecting me to be someone that i can't be.

Walking back towards the office, i stopped and stared at the door before twisting the door knob. I looked through the room only for it to be empty, there was no sign of Yoongi or Hoseok hyung. I walked inside feeling the urge to go inside and look for documents regarding the The Kims.

Searching through the desk made it only useless as i couldn't find anything.

"Now where could those papers be?" I asked myself feeling mentally frustrated.

I went inside the drawers and...


The second one...

And again nothing.

Finally after going through searches i finally found something that can help me with my disgraceful life. Opening the document i saw the last location they were last seen.

The Kims

Were last seen in a abandoned house
Address: xxxxx


November 3, 2015

"Are you kidding me! This was three years ago!" I stared at the paper feeling like i am not doing progress. Feeling useless at this situation i threw the document on the table. As i threw the document i realized a paper slipped out and fell to the ground. Grabbing the paper, it felt rather odd as i didn't see it.

Last Name : Jeon   
First Name: Jungkook
Birthday: September 1, 1997
Blood Type: A

Wait this is my birthday certificate. But why is it here?

I flipped the back page of my certificate, feeling the need to do it but later regretted as tears started to land on the paper.

Jeon Jungkook is not the son of

Lies! Everthing was just lies. It was no wonder father i mean that man treated me like a piece of garbage. All my life i lived in a lie without even noticing the signs. Mother kept this secret from me and didn't even utter a word before her death. She took the secret along with her. I looked at the table and rage took over me, i threw all the stuffs that were on the desk.

What did i did wrong? Why do i deserve such treatment? Was it because i was born.

"AH! I hate everything!" I walked towards my desk letting out a sarcastic chuckle. "Useless things. All i ever wanted was to make you proud but what do i get in return? Nothing." I threw all stuff that were on the table to the ground.

"AH!" I yelled once more in rage.

"Jungkook what are you doing?" Yoongi asked while looking around seeing a complete mess. Once he was finished observing the room he noticed the state i am in and his face was filled with worried.

"What happened to you? Are you okay?"

"Stop pretending like you care! I hate it just worry about yourself like you usually do. I'm just tired of all the lies that i have been told all this time!" Looking at Yoongi my hand clenched into a fist, he probably knew about it since he had stayed working in that man office the time being.

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