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"So tell me what are you guys doing." Jennie eye them, the book no longer covering her beautiful feature.

"Well w-we just c-came to do a, uh..... Party." The red headed boy said, but later got slapped on his head by the blonde boy.

"Is that so." Jennie said standing up, her high heels making clicking sounds on the floor. She made her way towards Taehyung, there was a minute of silence.

"What do you take me as? A fool. Come with a better yet lame excuse."

"I-i..." Taehyung stuttered, he found it hard to speak. He felt Jennie eyeing him and it made him even more weak.

"You what?"

"I..." Taehyung said but let out a sigh. "Fine i'll tell you the real reason were here."

"Alright then." Jennie said crossing her arms around her chest waiting for his answer.

"Do not tell her." Jungkook warned but it was too late.

"We came here to find Jungkooks real father."

Jennie turned her gaze to the young boy, her eyes were glistening with sadness. She didn't know he will find out too soon.

"So you know." Was all Jennie said, but it was enough to make the boys shock.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked.

"Better yet, how did you know." Jungkooks expression darken. He couldn't possibly imagine her knowing about him being a boy without father. He knew that something was way off and he needed his questions to be answer.

The girl let out a sigh. "Well i know about your real father more then you can even imagine." She said her words coming out slur. "You know your father is also m--" She couldn't finish off as she was interrupted by one of her mans, the man stood up front.

"Ms you can't tell him, you know how your fath--"

"Be quiet! I'm tired of keeping this secret with me. You know perfectly well that i even had to keep this with me from my own brother that always trusts and me and has giving me nothing but loyalty. So now be quiet and don't you dare interrupt me or i'll make sure you won't even make it out here alive." Jennie glared at the man, the man had no other choice but to go back to his position.

"Now like i was saying." Jennie looked back at Jungkook, eyes softening. "Your father is..." She took a moment to let her words come out naturally. She walked back to the chair trying to find some support in it. She couldn't possibly find out a way to tell him. He may look old enough to know the turth but inside he still fragile. "Just forget it." Was all she said before standing back up.

Jungkook looked at her wierdly, he definitely wasn't having it. "Tell me." He grabbed her wrist tightly. She turned around meeting his dark eyes. Seeing the situation her body guards took attention by grabbing onto Jungkook.

"If i were you i would stand away from her." One of the man said.

"Yah! Let me go." Jungkook struggled to get out of their grip.

"Let him go." The blonde boy said giving the man a death glare along with Taehyung. "If you guys don't let him go we will make sure you guys regret the day you were born."

"Is that so?" The man let out a chuckle, loosening his grip on Jungkook. The man walked up towards Jimin, his black suit glowing but not as much as the gun he had in his side pocket.

"Do you really think you can destroy me with just one finger?" The man looked amused. "Well let me tell you something young boy, you still haven't seen hell yet but i'll be more then gladly to, to show it to you." The man walked closer to Jimin making both their faces only a inch apart.

"Yah! Bambam get back to your place before i make sure that my brother hit you some senses." Jennie shouted making the boy turned back around and give her a glare.

"Yah! You sure do know how to bother me. Besides i was just playing with this kids. And what will Yugyeom do to me if you know--"

"Wait...what did you say?" Jungkook said cutting him off. Bambam looked at him and knew that he had screwed up. He knew now that he was the Jungkook that Yugyeom kept blabbering about.

"Uh...i--" Bambam said letting out a dry cough.

"Shit Bambam can't you keep your mouth shut." Jennie said completely annoyed. "This is why i am always rude with you when it come with mission because you don't know how to keep that big mouth of yours shut."

"Well then i'm sorry."

"Aish. Whatever." Jennie ignored his apology. Jennie looked at the young boy knowing that she has to tell him everything.

"I guess i have to tell you everything." She said sitting down on the chair, while all eyes were on her.

"Probably you already know about the afair your mother ahd with your father, am i right?" She asked while Jungkook nodded. "Well then i bet you don't know the story after he got kicked out."

"So you know the rest of the story?" Jungkook asked while Jennie nodded her head. "How?"

"I'll get to that but you will have to hear the whole story." Jennie said leanning back on the chair, crossing her legs. "When i mean hear the whole story i don't want any interruptions." She said eyeing the other three boys that was standing behind him and the rest of the guards.

"So lets start by where he went after he got kicked out."

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