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It was already six in the morning and I made sure I was all ready to go and pick up Lisa from her house. Once putting on the school shirt I grabbed my bag and walked out of the house leaving Taehyung still sleeping.

[Author p.o.v]

As Jungkook finally close the door he felt someone observing his every move but shooked the idea off, knowing that he is probably hallucinating. Getting into his brand new black car; that his father Mr.Kim has given him he let out a sigh and started the engine.

Jungkooks life has been like a complete drama that he himself can't even believe had happened in his life. His life had a whole plot twist into it making it interesting, yet painful.

Jungkook couldn't even believe his mother had the biggest secret kept inside that fragile heart of hers, after all, they had sworn to each other that they won't keep a single secret from each other and that there won't be any lies in between there relationships, but thinking it through he knew his mother did all that to protect him. But he still wished she was the one who told him all that. And he also wished she could have protected him from all the betrayal he has gone through with Yoongi and Jimin. Knowing that Yoongi betrayed him it affected him but it didn't last, but Jimins betrayal towards him was way different it affected him, the only difference is that it still affected him and there was no way that it would go away any time soon.

Having the car window open he felt the gust of air hitting his features, feeling overwhelmed by the air he ruffled his hair back with his left hand while the other hand was still gripping on the steering wheel.

Noticing he was close to his destination he looked around the neighborhood to look for a perfect place to park his car. Lucky for him he could park his car across Lisa's house. As he had parked it he walked across the street seeing how big the house was, but once he took a closer look he realized it was nothing compared to the house he lived in with Taehyung. Jungkook took a deep breath, hesitating in knocking the door. As he was about to knock the door, the door had opened showing a bright smiling Jennie.

"How-" Jungkook started off only to be interrupted.

"Just a lucky guess." Jennie shrugged. "But come in." She moved to a side to let him in. Jungkook walked inside observing the room around him, he felt rather happy knowing how his girlfriend's house looks like. As he was looking around Jennie let out a dry cough. "You know you did come here a lot earlier than expected."

Jungkook turns around and looks at Jennie with raised eyebrows.

"I mean it's not just me saying but Lisa also."

"She did?" He felt like a complete idiot for bothering early in the morning.

"Let's just say that her actions speak more than her words." She said leaving Jungkook confused.

"How so?"

"She seems like she didn't expect you here early since she is sleeping." Jennie said earning a groan from the boy. "But hey you have me." She waved with a smile.

"And how is that suppose to help." Jungkook groaned once again in frustration.

"Wow, you really do know how to hurt peoples feelings. Stop hanging out with Yugyeom, each time you guys spend your time together it seems that you guys are catching up and you guys start to look awfully alike."

As Jennie said those words Jungkook couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle. He knew well that her words were nothing but truth. He has been acting just the way yugyeom has and thays not the only part that males it worst, they're both look alike.

"You know i'm glad that i have another brother like you." Jennie blurted out taking Jungkook by surprise. Jennie let out a slight chuckle seeing the young boy reaction. "Cute."

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