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"Mother promise me you won't leave me" little Jungkook said.

He was holding onto his mothers hand, both looking at the glistening moonlight.

"I promise sweet heart no matter what happens i will always stay by your side, i would never leave my little boy all alone" his mother said giving him a warm smile.

"Your just a mistake!" Mr.Min shouted. "Your not even my son! Thats the only reason why i never treated you like my son, my only son is Yoongi"

"Your father is Mr.Kim" Halmeoni said. "Your mother fell in love with him and had an affair with him. Once he got kicked out by Mr.Min she had found out that she is pregnant and that baby was you"

"Open your eyes!" Jimin said. "This time im not going to give up everything for you" He warned.

Jungkook felt heart seeing his bestfriend betray him.

"Promise me that you won't leave me and that everything that your saying is real and that you love me" Jungkook said looking at Lisa. They were sitting down at the ground looking at the childerns running around.

"I promise" Lisa gave him a warm smile. "Everything i had said before until now is real and i really but really love you" she said hugging him tightly.

"No!" Jungkook panted. He woke up looking around the room realizing everything was a dream. A dream that torments him everyday as they were memories that can't seem to bother him.

He ruffled his hair back feeling frustrated. Jungkook grabbed his phone that was on the stand next to him looking at the time that read 6:00 in the morning.

Jungkook let out a groan.

He woke up earlier then expected. He looled around his room only seeing complete darkness.

"I hate this" he muttered.

"I see your awake" a voive said coming next to him.

Jungkook looked to see who it was only to see Taehyung with his eyes close.

"Why didn't you come to school yesterday?" Taehyung asked his eyes still being close. Jungkook didn't bother answering and ignored his question.

"Why are you here?!"

"I asked you first Jungkook" Taehyung looked at the younger boy angry. Jungkook let out a cough feeling intimated by the older one.

"Lets just say i wasn't feeling well" Jungkook said.

"What about the day before that" Taehyung questioned with raised eyebrow. That's when Jungkook knew he was doomed.

"Ugh! Fine i didn't feel like going to school. Happy!" Jungkook shouted.

Taheyung sighed at the boys response. He knew well what was happening to him but he wanted to hear it from Jungkook. Taheyung closed his eyes once again, laying comfortably on the bed.

"Now answer my question" Jungkook demanded.

"Well i got here a few minutes ago so don't worry about the fact that i stayed here the whole night because i didn't" Taheyung said in a calm tone. Taheyung layed done quietly until a question hit him. "What were you dreaming about?"

Taehyung question startled the young boy as he sat there quiet. Jungkook knew that Taehyung saw how scared he was in his sleep and he didn't like that.

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