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"Aish. Remind me why i came again." Taehyung whined the sixteenth time.

Both Jimin and Jungkook turned around and saw Taehyung struggling to get inside the window. Apparently the front door was locked and had wood covering it. The only way to get in was by climbing up the house to get inside the window. Taehying being lasts, let out a sigh of frustration but yet relief. He had finally made it and was now stepping on the floor even though the floor was dirty and ugly looking Taehyung didn't care.

"Now this better be good." Taehyung said glaring at the boys.

"Calm down now Taehyung. Haven't you heard if you get mad a lot you will be looking old."

"You mean like Jin hyung?" Taehyung asked.

"Exactly." Jimin snapped his finger as Taehyung understood.

"Well then i guess i'll have to keep on smiling." Taehyung showed his boxy smile, while Jungkook ignored the two boys and walked around the room.

The room looked old, but thats not what caught Jungkooks attention. His attention was on the room itself, the room seemed to look like a study room. The room was small and had a few newspapers on the floor.

"Aish. This place is a mess." Jimin said ruffling his blonde hair.

"Sorry to break this princess but what did you expect from an abandon house. A big sign saying welcome with a few bottles of Champagne ready with food." Taehyung said with sarcasm.

"Yah! Your lucky that i'm nice or else i would have made sure i shoved that newspaper in your mouth." Jimin warned pointing on one of the newspaper that was on the floor.

"Really? I would love to see that." Taehyung challenged.

"Thats it it's on." Jimin rushed towards Taehyung only to be stopped by a strong arm.

"Be quiet you two." Jungkook shush them.

"And why should we listen to you?" Jimin said eyeing the boy.

Yet again Jungkook shush him again, making Jimin mad.

"Yah! You little--"

"Be quiet i'm trying to listen." Jungkook leaned on the door,hearing faint voices. The two boys were behind him giving each other glances of confusion.

"Here what?" Taehyung ask.

"Just listen." Jungkook simply said.

"You dimwits do you have any idea the mistake you guys just did!" A woman voice yelled coming from outside the room.

"Sorry miss we won't do it again." A man said.

"You better! And also where is my brother i haven't heard from him in a long time."

"Miss your brother has been busy lately with your father and he couldn't come."

"Is that so..." The woman said pausing for a second before continuing.

"Did you hear that!" Jimin whispered shouted. His voice sounding excited.

"Of course i did you dimwit." Taehyung said hitting the back of Jimins head trying to at least make his senses come back.

"Yah! You never you that word." Jimin rubbed his head.

"Well now i do you dimwit."

Jungkook attention was still remained on the faint voice, he wanted to know who they were and why they were here. His body told him to stay put but his heart told him to run and confront them.

"This is useless! I should have stayed with my friends instead of coming here and wasting my time being ignored by both my father and brother." 

The woman sounded rather mad but all Jungkook knew was that it had to do with her father and brother.

"I'm sorry miss." The man sounded apologetic.

"Just forget it."

"Yah call me dimwit one more time and i'll make sure to break you into pieces."

"Is that so." Taehyung challenged. "Then do it, i mean if you can dimwit."

"Could you too stop it already."

Jungkook that was focused on the people outside now had his full attention on the two boys. Jimin ignoring him ran towards Taehyung grabbing his waist, pushing him with all his might. Both of them busted the door open wide, landing on the cold dirty floor.

"A-apa." Taehyung cried.

Jungkook looked at them both shocked knowing that they were definitely get caught.

"Who is there?!" A man yelled.

"Yah! Hurry and lets go you idiots." Jungkook shouted picking them up.

Once Jungkook had picked them up Jungkook saw a few heads pop up. One of the mans turned around and made eye contact with him.

"What are you guys doing here." The man gaze was dark.

With out farther thought Jungkook shouted. "Run!"

Pushing the two boys to at least escape unharmed.

"Yah! You kids stay where you are." The man chased after them.

Lucky for them the staircase was placed in the middle, they ran to the other side and ran downstairs. Their feet came to a halt as soon as they saw a girl sitting on a chair reading a book blocking the entrance door, wearing a elegant dress that didn't suit the place in which they were in.

"Nice one miss." The man said walking towards the boys behind

Slowly the girl put down the book only showing her eyes and looked at them all with a dark gaze. Those eyes that Jungkook immediately recognized.

"Hey boys."


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Sorry if it was short and thanks for those who had followed me and also showed me support by commenting. Sorry for the mistakes.
Hope you guys like it 💜💜💜
Please tell me if i should continue this or should nust stop 😩

Thanks once again

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