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The grand day is finally here and the boys were waiting outside Rachels house waiting for the girls to come. Jungkook was a pacing back and forth thinking of ways to avoid Rachel. As soon as he stepped foot in front of her house he felt that everything was just a big mistake and he shouldn't have let Jin get inside his head.

As he was pacing back and forth Taehyung let out a groan

"Would you stop it already you have been like this for the pass fifteen minutes" Taehyung rubbed his temple while the others agree in synch.

"Besides your getting me dizzy and i haven't even had one drop of alchol in my system yet" Jin said.

"Sorry it's just i-" Jungkook couldn't continue his words as he saw Lisa with her white blouse along with her black skirt that made her look rather beautiful in his eyes. If people looled at her they would automatically think that she is a celebrity.

Lisa walked towards Jungkook and gaved him a quick peck in the lips grossing out the rest of the group.

"I wish i can unsee this" Hoseok stated looking at the ceiling letting out a huff.

"Well no one told you to look" Jungkook defended making the guy let out a chuckle.

"Did you think i wanted to see, i was caught off guard and saw you guys kiss at the wrong moment" Hoseok said.

"Will you guys quit it for once and get inside the party already" Jin glared at the two boys who were arguing.

The group looked at each other and nodded in approval. Hoseok knocked on the front door since it was the only thing closed, while the front gate was opened. But to their avail there was no response.

Hoseok was about to knock once more but the door opened.

"You guys came!" Rachel yelled in excitement, wearing a crop top along with black shorts that perfectly showed her curves.

"Yeah well don't get your hopes up young girl" Namjoon said making the girl frown.

"Believe me thats not what i intended to do" Rachel said but the others didn't believe her. "But enough of talking and lets get you inside the others are here" Rachel smiled at the group, she averted her direction from them to only see Jungkooks arm around Lisa's shoulders. Rachel stepped to a side letting them all in nit trying to scare them away, afterall she wanted them to hear the big news she wanted all of them to hear only. The audience was a little final touch she wanted to add since she knew well that the whole school won't stop but keep on spreading rumours.

The group walked inside the house seeing a lot of people from there school having a couple of drinks and talking over the loud music.

Lisa looked at Jungkook feeling frightened.

"I think we should go" Lisa said.

"How come we just got in here besides we agreed to come here for Jin"

"Its just-"

Lisa couldn't finish as a voice interrupted her.

"Why so fast" Rachel said trying not to smirk.

Lisa knew perfectly well that she had something planned out and she won't stop until she figure out what it is.

"If i want to leave it's none of your business, besides haven't no one told you before to not snoop your nose inside someone else's business" Lisa said looking at Rachel in rage. "Now let me ask you this one question, why you want us here so badly in the first place?" Lisa looked at Rachel intensely, not once looking away.

"And haven't you heard that curiosity killed the kitten" Rachel responded back not feeling intimidated. "I mean whats the rush, am i right guys?" Rachel looked at the crowd of people who had there attention on them the whole time. Everybody shouted in agreement making Rachel smirk.

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